This web site is called ongoing and is written by me, Tim Bray.

Tim Bray

Lots more detail about me is available from any good Web search engine, my Wikipedia entry isn’t bad, and I was on Twitter as @timbray for a long time, but out of disgust with its proprietor’s actions, have moved to Mastodon as CoSocial is a member-owned Fediverse co-operative, check it out.

Affiliations · As the disclaimer on the front page says, the opinions expressed here are my own, usually nobody sees them before they’re published, and neither my employer (when I have one) nor any other party necessarily agree with them. Having said that, I think it’s important that readers know who pays the person who’s writing what they’re reading. ¶

At the moment, I’m semi-retired, and might be available on a consulting basis.

Contact · If you want to email me, my address has been displayed on the front page of the XML Specification since 1997 and probably will be until I’m in my grave. ¶

If you want to communicate with me privately, I’m on Signal and my Mastodon DMs are open. To reach me on Signal, you need to know my phone number, which is on my resume, also pretty easy to find.

If you write me, and what you write me is interesting, I may decide to publish it in ongoing. This has two consequences: first of all, if you don’t want what you write published, say so. Second, if I do publish an incoming email, it’s nice to include a web pointer for the person who wrote it. If you don’t provide one, I’ll guess & google around a bit to turn something up; it would be much better if you included one in your email.

Privacy and security · ongoing is available over HTTPS and thus offers an acceptable level of privacy. ¶

I keep standard Apache httpd logfiles around for a few days; their contents are described here.

Photos · One or two who know me allege that the image above is not a very good likeness. I picked it because it corresponds well with my self image; but I’ve added two more. The first is by my dear wife Lauren Wood, the second is a portrait of me by my son, then 4½, the first picture I ever saw him try to draw of anything; I was touched. He’s being kind as I don’t actually have much more than a bit of fuzz on top of my head. ¶

Tim nBray, photo credit Lauren Wood
· · ·
The author by his son, aged 4½

author · Dad
colophon · rights
Random image, linked to its containing fragment

By .

The opinions expressed here
are my own, and no other party
necessarily agrees with them.

A full disclosure of my
professional interests is
on the author page.

I’m on Mastodon!