Week ending Sunday 2014/10/19
Monday 08:54 · @rabble shorter than I expected, needs maintenance [disclosure: on it] [Original, responding to @rabble.]
Monday 09:14 · Owncloud looks interesting: owncloud.orghttp/owncloud.org/ [Original.]
Monday 09:15 · @blaine I thought you were the greatest living authority on obscure Asian cocktails. [Original, responding to @blaine.]
Monday 09:16 · @tomlazar Lots of good SW is written in bad languages. PHP good enough for Wikipedia & Facebook. [Original, responding to @tomlazar.]
Monday 09:24 · @tomlazar Now PHP-loving mobs are converging on your location with torches and pitchforks. Better hide. [Original, responding to @tomlazar.]
Monday 10:00 · Spending 16 days in New Zealand in March; some family visiting, some free time. Yay! [Original.]
Monday 10:05 · Hilariously mean-spirited: “The Leafs and their adherents are like pet owners who begin to resemble their dogs.” www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/hockey/kelly-tromping-of-rangers-shows-its-too-early-to-judge-maple-leafs/article21078776/ [Original.]
Monday 10:53 · @ftrain git-man-page-generator.lokaltog.net/ is your friend [Original, responding to @ftrain.]
Monday 11:22 · Woah, what the @thequinnspiracy said: wehuntedthemammoth.com/2014/10/11/in-a-series-of-brilliant-furious-tweets-zoe-quinn-tears-apart-the-myth-that-gamergate-has-moved-beyond-harassment-of-women/ #gamergate [This shit really has to stop.] [Original.]
Monday 11:41 · @vambenepe I find it easiest to ignore those requests *silently* so as to avoid hurting their feelings. [Original, responding to @vambenepe.]
Monday 14:48 · . @AneiDoru @TheQuinnspiracy @supyo Oddly, my opinion on what's relevant seems unaffected by your assertions. [Original, responding to @AneiDoru.]
Monday 14:50 · RT @glynmoody: Revealed: ISPs Already Violating #NetNeutrality To Block Encryption And Make Everyone Less Safe Online - https://t.co/OYXpb2… [Original.]
Monday 15:33 · RT @rgriff: FBI announces new policy: Homes in USA to remove all locks, as locks indicate owners are hiding something. [Original.]
Monday 21:49 · @daeaves FWIW Shaw is live between 16th/King Ed/Main/Cambie [Original, responding to @daeaves.]
Monday 21:56 · @carlmalamud @pmarca to be fair, he ate his words (literally, ground in a blender) at a Web conference subsequently. [Original, responding to @carlmalamud.]
Tuesday 09:12 · RT @Spacekatgal: Actor @AdamBaldwin defamed my character, publicized a libelous video about me and sent an angry mob of 200k people after m… [Original.]
Tuesday 09:16 · @shanselman Do you mean Harmony in general, or that particular model? The Harmony line is imperfect but I don’t know of anything better. [Original, responding to @shanselman.]
Tuesday 09:47 · @ViktoriaMullova Hope the recital is going to be recorded. [Almost all my favourite recordings are live.] [Original, responding to @ViktoriaMullova.]
Tuesday 12:47 · RT @authzero: following jwt.io spirit, sneak peek of samltool.io - debug your saml responses and assertions ⚡️🐜🐞 [sigh, useful I suppose] [Original.]
Tuesday 15:22 · RT @flamsmark: Advertisers don't just track everyone all the time. They're also the biggest obstacles to widespread HTTPs adoption. … [Original.]
Tuesday 17:51 · Sort of a @GreatDismal feel, n’est-ce pas? From the excellent Afro-Cuban show at MOA moa.ubc.ca/experience/exhibit_details.php?id=1331 [Original.]
Tuesday 18:15 · RT @PennyRed: Terrorists threats against @femfreq at USU promise feminists will 'die screaming' in 'revenge' for 'emasculation' t.co… [Original.]
Tuesday 18:54 · Culturati: Is it OK to drink rosé while watching the ALCS? (Marqués de Cáceres Rioja) [Original.]
Tuesday 19:10 · RT @McAndrew: Insanely great: U.S. Marine Band And Republic Of Korea Army Band Drum Battle In Parking Lot via @digg digg.com/video/u-s-marine-band-and-republic-of-korea-army-band-drum-battle-in-parking-lot [Original.]
Tuesday 19:43 · @olabini Do Luddites have strong crypto? [Original, responding to @olabini.]
Tuesday 20:45 · @mathewi Being blocked by a #GamerGate moron is an honour. [Original, responding to @mathewi.]
Tuesday 20:58 · Best explanation of this POODLE attack everyone’s talking about: blog.cryptographyengineering.com/2014/10/attack-of-week-poodle.html [Original.]
Tuesday 21:18 · @kdlang A little feedback in the treble but not terrible otherwise. [Original, responding to @kdlang.]
Tuesday 21:21 · “The Future Of The Culture Wars Is Here, And It's Gamergate” [Awfully good. Long] deadspin.com/the-future-of-the-culture-wars-is-here-and-its-gamerga-1646145844 [Original.]
Tuesday 21:53 · @joshtpm Best overview piece is kinda long but still good: deadspin.com/the-future-of-the-culture-wars-is-here-and-its-gamerga-1646145844 [Original, responding to @joshtpm.]
Tuesday 21:59 · @joshtpm Well yeah, but with actual death threats: www.standard.net/Police/2014/10/14/Utah-State-University-student-threatens-act-of-terror-if-feminist.html [Original, responding to @joshtpm.]
Wednesday 08:33 · Another more-serious-than-it-deserves consideration of #gamergate: botherer.org/2014/10/12/a-thing-about-gamergate/ [conclusions damning, of course] [Original.]
Wednesday 10:11 · “Our Digital Future: A Crowdsourced Agenda for Free Expression” https://t.co/ITcVvst9sZ [Original.]
Wednesday 11:37 · In 2014 it’s really hard to get excited about new mobile hardware/OS releases. Sorry. [Original.]
Wednesday 11:38 · I mean, the products are great. But are they gonna change anyone’s life? [Original.]
Wednesday 11:44 · @schristopheraz Yeah, but none of that stuff is new. Replacing your mobile stopped changing your life ~2010 [Original, responding to @schristopheraz.]
Wednesday 11:46 · Your first Internet-capable mobile is a life-changer. Upgrading your existing one hasn’t been since ~2011. [Original.]
Wednesday 12:08 · @dhh iPhone 6 is great. But did it *change anyone’s life* who already had a 2011-or-later device? [Original, responding to @dhh.]
Wednesday 16:37 · @willsours I totally agree. More lives would be touched by dirt-cheap smartphones than by any high-end product. [Original, responding to @willsours.]
Wednesday 17:18 · Press in dire situations: www.nooooooooooooooo.com/ [Original.]
Wednesday 20:25 · @nzkoz @duncan @marcoarment Alternately you can just semi-pin by restricting to one or a few CAs. [Original, responding to @nzkoz.]
Thursday 07:30 · Got a promo for a new book: “Android Security Internals”: www.amazon.com/gp/product/1593275811/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=1593275811&linkCode=as2&tag=ongoing-20&linkId=S4KARL4Y3XT73267 Looks interesting! [Original.]
Thursday 11:31 · Hm, 14.75M pixels on the new iMac. That’s a lot. It could almost display a modern camera image 1:1. [Original.]
Thursday 13:15 · Wisconsin bans Steve Miller: theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer/2014/10/wisconsin-bans-steve-miller.html [Original.]
Thursday 13:30 · FBI continues to dislike doors that can be locked: recode.net/2014/10/16/fbi-director-calls-on-good-people-of-apple-google-to-dump-new-encryption/ [Original.]
Thursday 13:34 · RT @GPGTools: An open letter about our future. https://t.co/UGxFKe1UI1 Includes information about Yosemite compatibility. [Original.]
Thursday 13:56 · Surprisingly, there’s no MIME/Media type for OpenPGP messages except for multipart/encrypted. So: https://t.co/5GktCHMFEY [Original.]
Thursday 14:02 · @nevali Nothing wrong with multipart/encryped, but sometimes you just have an ASCII-Armored message. [Original, responding to @nevali.]
Thursday 14:03 · @nevali Actually I think RFC3156 is the latest for pgp/multipart. [Original, responding to @nevali.]
Thursday 14:10 · @olivergierke Not obvious why you’d want to do that… what am I missing? [Original, responding to @olivergierke.]
Thursday 14:22 · @olivergierke Usually it just gets emailed/chatted/messaged to the person you want to read it. [Original, responding to @olivergierke.]
Thursday 15:58 · @dckc Yeah, but nobody’s paying me for this stuff so I guess I’m gonna have to get a real job… [Original, responding to @dckc.]
Thursday 16:11 · FBI Director’s case for phone encryption scrutinized by @emptywheel: https://t.co/Ooh9oPm8hR [Original.]
Thursday 22:36 · @segphault N7 has been one of consumer tech’s biggest bargains. [Original, responding to @segphault.]
Thursday 22:48 · @segphault I can’t believe they’ll just let it go. The form factor is totally correct. [Original, responding to @segphault.]
Thursday 22:49 · @segphault To be fair, I’ve never tried a 6” device. [Original, responding to @segphault.]
Friday 00:05 · Just me, or is the new OS X Safari icon really graceless & gross? [Original.]
Friday 00:09 · @segphault Jury’s out… it all feels a little sharper tbh. But the circular-splodge traffic lights look clunky. [Original, responding to @segphault.]
Friday 00:24 · @gruber That conference is immensely, mind-bogglingly, huge. [Original, responding to @gruber.]
Friday 09:07 · Hah, turns out Yosemite borks Photoshop Elements. No selections for you, boyo! [Original.]
Friday 09:09 · Hey @adobe, looks like Yosemite broke Elements: feedback.photoshop.com/photoshop_family/topics/photoshop-elements-hangs-up-when-selecting-lasso-tool-in-yosemite-i-had-to-force-quit-to-get-my-system-back [Original.]
Friday 10:28 · And, Yosemite also broke Skype multi-way conversations. #YosemiteBreakage [Original.]
Friday 11:09 · I made a tilde.club page with a self-portrait: tilde.club/~timbray/ [Original.]
Friday 13:19 · @importantshock @lrz Really? Why evil? [Original, responding to @importantshock.]
Friday 13:29 · @lrz @importantshock … hadn’t thought about the inlining thing. Hmm… [Original, responding to @lrz.]
Friday 13:39 · @curtisbridges @ryan_connolly No, I observed problems only with Photoshop Elements 12. [Original, responding to @curtisbridges.]
Friday 14:37 · Yosemite feels snappier. Assume that’s a placebo effect otherwise Apple would be trumpeting perf claims. [Original.]
Friday 14:57 · @migueldeicaza Yeah, lotta people gonna say “well, they got a National Security Letter, they’re just lying”. I don’t think so, actually. [Original, responding to @migueldeicaza.]
Friday 15:23 · Https is good, but… wingolog.org/archives/2014/10/17/ffs-ssl /via @happyspork [Original.]
Friday 16:30 · No real urge for on-wrist Internet; But time-display + 2-factor-token are getting into interesting territory. [Original.]
Friday 17:23 · Yosemite’s login screen is very much like the opening scene of “Portal”. Will there be cake? [Original.]
Friday 20:32 · On Yosemite, the XKCD caption pop-up is in Helvetica, and that feels wrong. [Original.]
Friday 20:50 · Remarkable photos from Ethiopia, “Meskel in Lalibela”: www.christianbobstphotography.com/#!/index/G0000trD5RGHtfl8 [Original.]
Friday 21:33 · I joined in World Photowalk Day: https://t.co/tD7AwIewDt [Original.]
Saturday 09:11 · Anybody who’s followed Japan closely knows that deflation is a horrible economic disease. A useful primer: blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2014/10/16/5-reasons-to-worry-about-deflation/ [Original.]
Saturday 10:42 · RT @karlseguin: Blogged - How unreliable is UDP? openmymind.net/How-Unreliable-Is-UDP/ [Surprising & useful numbers.] [Original.]
Saturday 11:06 · . @arthur_affect: The “Disco Sucks” tribe were #GamerGate precursors. Disagree [was in that tribe], but good piece: www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/10/16/of-gamers-gates-and-disco-demolition-the-roots-of-reactionary-rage.html [Original.]
Saturday 11:23 · @davidascher We were “disco sucks-ing” for a couple years then punk arrived and we were all like “that’s what we meant’… [Original, responding to @davidascher.]
Saturday 13:36 · @Cryptomeorg @bascule https reduces the attack surface significantly. No panaceas but every bit helps. [Original, responding to @Cryptomeorg.]
Saturday 13:58 · The @Cryptomeorg stream is dangerously perfect-as-enemy-of-the-good misguided. [Original, responding to @Cryptomeorg.]
Saturday 16:14 · Fluorescent body paint! https://t.co/gtpVPKRTWK [Original.]
Saturday 17:39 · RT @grumpygamer: "When Iggy Pop can’t live off his art, what chance do the rest have?" www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-debate/when-iggy-pop-cant-live-off-his-art-what-chance-do-the-rest-have/article21154663/ [Original.]
Saturday 17:41 · RT @DeirdreS: Even videogame characters are all white hipster bros, apparently. [Original.]
Saturday 17:44 · RT @avestal: It's about #ethics in #game #journalism [Original.]
Saturday 23:13 · @pmarca Canada & Norway are potential counter-examples. [Original, responding to @pmarca.]
Sunday 10:45 · Oooh, what’s happening to those nice Seahawks? [Original.]
Sunday 13:36 · Spent 1st half of day watching NFL and chainsawing firewood. Now, off to the Internet to do some SJW. [Original.]
Sunday 20:57 · In which I consider #gamergate and even find an upside: https://t.co/n6S55c1bbM [Original.]
Sunday 23:00 · @mezzoblue The new Preview icon, however, is first-rate. [Original, responding to @mezzoblue.]