A bright weekend day in mid-October doesn’t happen so often in Vancouver that you can ignore it. So I took my little daughter out for a bike ride; as in, she rode, I walked along with my camera in one hand, the other ready for a quick grab for when she teetered. The remaining flowers are in harbinger-of-winter mode, but still worth looking at.
I used to call these “California poppies”. My readers informed me sharply that they were actually Iceland poppies, but Alex Waterhouse-Hayward, who is authoritative on these issues, apparently settled the issue; they’re Welsh poppies. Anyhow, most of ’em are dead and gone; but not this one.
Not sure what these are, or I guess I should say were.
This is some sort of honeysuckle; Lauren has a couple of different ones and I can’t keep ’em straight.
This is a fuschia, which astounds me every year by blooming until it gets buried in snow or taken down by a major windstorm or whatever.
They’re not all totally 100% gloomy in their feel, though.
I’m remembering Brother North-Wind’s Secret.
Comment feed for ongoing:
From: Dave Walker (Oct 16 2011, at 05:42)
Nicely observed; I particularly like the light on the last one. Not sure what your mystery plant is, either.
There were fuschias in the garden where I grew up, and they all doggedly held onto their flowers when the first snows hit; I used to think that a fuschia was an "anti-snowdrop", and it would be nice to poke around horticultural websites and see if they're related.
From: Jeff Nichols (Oct 17 2011, at 09:39)
Great macro shots! What was the camera? I know you've got a few....
From: Elaine (Oct 19 2011, at 22:39)
I'm pretty sure the mystery plant is another honeysuckle. We have one that gets those berries after the flower die off, and what I can see of leaves & branches looks very similar as well.