Week ending Sunday 2010/12/19

Monday 00:15 · 5★♫: Broken English: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2010/12/12/Broken-English [Original.]

Monday 00:35 · Checking keychain for gawker logins... nothing there. No surprise but some relief. [Original.]

Monday 10:03 · StrictMode was tons of work to build, is dead easy for devs to use; check it out: android-developers.blogspot.com/2010/12/new-gingerbread-api-strictmode.html [Original.]

Monday 12:20 · Wondering how many Canadians have been killed by those Air Canada frequent-flyer-lounge cookies. [Original.]

Monday 12:47 · Looked in a dingy little mobile store in a 2nd-rate mall on the weekend. You could get iPhone & Galaxy Tab & N8 etc etc. What a business. [Original.]

Monday 12:54 · @JustinShidell Don't think there are any implications for developer behavior. Should be a just works transparently kind of thing. [Original, responding to @JustinShidell.]

Monday 13:07 · @Scobleizer Tomi lives in an alternate reality. I get this feeling of sick fascination reading his counterfactuals. [Original, responding to @Scobleizer.]

Monday 16:21 · @nirev Yes, OK [Original, responding to @nirev.]

Monday 20:30 · Dear LazyWeb, does the ♫ AKA U+266B symbol display properly in www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2010/12/12/Broken-English on iOS? Thanks in advance. [Original.]

Monday 20:45 · Say what you will, the NFL can at times provide first-rate entertainment. [Original.]

Monday 20:47 · OK, thanks all, answer to iOS question is "Yes". [Original.]

Wednesday 11:19 · @sogrady tecosystems pix impossible to read and klunky to enlarge on Android [Original, responding to @sogrady.]

Wednesday 12:18 · I hear the Ovi store offers direct payout via mobile devices, cash or phone credits. Huge in emerging markets. [Original.]

Thursday 11:55 · @graubart Not that hard to write a little script that saves your tweets & expands shortened urls. I run mine weekly [Original, responding to @graubart.]

Thursday 15:23 · Ninjas unbox a Nexus S. Trust me, watch this one: www.youtube.com/ninjaunboxing2 [Original.]

Thursday 15:26 · @briandoll Upon re-reading that piece... I like it. Nope, haven't changed my mind. [Original, responding to @briandoll.]

Thursday 16:15 · Naomi Wolf on the Assange prosecution; ouf: www.huffingtonpost.com/naomi-wolf/jaccuse-sweden-britain-an_b_795899.html [Original.]

Thursday 23:07 · "Nexus S has been rooted!!!!" Actually, they overwrite the bootloader & install another kernel. A designed-in feature of that phone. [Original.]

Thursday 23:42 · The first mobile e-reading app whose UI doesn't feature fake wooden bookshelves is gonna be a breath of fresh air. [Original.]

Friday 00:47 · Woah Google vector maps on Galaxy Tab are astounding. [Original.]

Friday 09:56 · Hey @XKCD, can you get things to Canada by Christmas if I order today? [Original.]

Friday 11:05 · Storage, on consumer electronics, is for all practical purposes now infinite. www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2010/12/17/Sufficiency [Original.]

Friday 11:18 · Sweet, Need for Speed: Shift available on #Android Market (via @romainguy) [Original.]

Friday 11:50 · Breaking: Google now highlights when we think a site may be hacked: googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2010/12/new-hacked-site-notifications-in-search.html Please RT! (via @mattcutts) [Original.]

Friday 11:54 · Argh NFS Shift not released for Galaxy Tab yet. [Original.]

Friday 13:27 · Wankers complaining at transfer rate of AOSP data are invited to go play in traffic. [Original.]

Friday 19:45 · Captain Beefheart died. I totally hated his music. [Original.]

Friday 19:48 · Thu AM: Nexus S sold. Fri noon: AOSP code drop. Fri PM: GB running on Nexus 1 and S. #android #openness FTW. (via @jbqueru) [Original.]

Saturday 09:56 · Reading Keith Richards' "Life" and enjoying it immensely. Erudite, cynical, warm-hearted, and what a story. [Original.]

Saturday 10:08 · @Armo Not true. There is a ghost writer; and no details about how it was constructed, which bothers me. [Original, responding to @Armo.]

Saturday 10:18 · What a WindowsPhone marketplace URI looks like: zune://navigate/?appID=f8b5a9a7-55f0-df11-9264-00237de2db9e hmmmm... [Original.]

Saturday 10:28 · @spam check @Tamelarj [Original, responding to @Tamelarj.]

Saturday 10:57 · Kinda spammy on Twitter today. [Original.]

Saturday 11:18 · Some popular heresies: ngrams.googlelabs.com/graph?content=antinomian%2Cmanichean%2Cmonophysite%2Cpelagian%2Carian&year_start=1900&year_end=2008&corpus=0&smoothing=3 Antinomianism ftw [Original.]

Saturday 12:41 · @lisarein I do every week. Didn't even know there was a controversy. [Original, responding to @lisarein.]

Saturday 13:29 · OSCON 2011 CFP. www.oscon.com/oscon2011 I'll sure try to be there. [Original.]

Saturday 15:51 · @jrishel What book is that? [Original, responding to @jrishel.]

Saturday 16:22 · Bought some pork chops, butcher was a hipster. Never seen a hipster butcher before. [Original.]

Sunday 09:26 · @lskrocki nice you-are-there shot! [Original, responding to @lskrocki.]

Sunday 11:44 · @lskrocki Nice catch. There's a subtle 4-way dance between sensitivity, aperture, shutter speed, and focal length... [Original, responding to @lskrocki.]

Sunday 12:36 · @bascule veganism is so 2009 [Original, responding to @bascule.]

Sunday 13:09 · @james_clark I've tried that once and WHAT-WG once. Trouble is, it's a full-time job, the volume is insane. [Original, responding to @james_clark.]

Sunday 13:15 · Human Rights Watch on the West Bank: www.hrw.org/node/95113 [Original.]

Sunday 20:20 · Shorter Tron: Legacy sashafrerejones.tumblr.com/post/2382758875/eight-step-system-for-making-your-own-tron-legacy [Original.]

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
December 19, 2010
· Short-form (350 more)

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