Week ending Sunday 2010/09/26

Monday 01:03 · Dawkins, in full-on attack mode, doesn't let little things like Godwin's Law get in his way. Ouf. www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_0kFU7IfPM [Original.] ¶

Monday 08:13 · @prescod Presence of Android Market is, if not a promise, quite meaningful: android-developers.blogspot.com/2010/05/on-android-compatibility.html [Original, responding to @prescod.] ¶

Monday 08:16 · @charlesarthur By "validate" I assume you mean "has Android Market". The CDD and CTS apply; see android-developers.blogspot.com/2010/05/on-android-compatibility.html [Original, responding to @charlesarthur.] ¶

Monday 11:46 · Matt on the new 2factor authent: www.mattcutts.com/blog/google-two-factor-authentication/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+mattcutts%2FuJBW+(Matt+Cutts%3A+Gadgets%2C+Google%2C+and+SEO) I use a little plastic fob because I'm always reflashing my phones. Important! [Original.] ¶

Monday 12:43 · @sogrady For music? Ety and Shure are both excellent. [Original, responding to @sogrady.] ¶

Monday 12:44 · @sogrady Not sure there's a choice out there that's going to work for both phone & music. I carry 2. [Original, responding to @sogrady.] ¶

Monday 13:54 · @joehewitt I wonder if a form factor like the Galaxy Tab might change that. Lotta unexplored territory in this space. [Original, responding to @joehewitt.] ¶

Monday 13:58 · @headius Not much hallway buzz showing up on my radar [Original, responding to @headius.] ¶

Tuesday 10:25 · @tmaesaka Homebrew is your friend [Original, responding to @tmaesaka.] ¶

Tuesday 10:55 · I just bought a ticket from Pluna, i.e. Uruguayan Airlines, via the Web. What a world we live in. [Original.] ¶

Tuesday 21:42 · @joshu Conspiracy ftw. Hedgehog doormat sarsaparilla red 32. [Original, responding to @joshu.] ¶

Tuesday 23:09 · A good day: @cwilso heading for an Advocate job (like mine) here at G: twitter.com/cwilso/status/25183732221 [Original.] ¶

Wednesday 07:26 · @Carnage4Life Since March, but hey, I'll take congrats where I can get 'em [Original, responding to @Carnage4Life.] ¶

Wednesday 10:05 · @Papa_Kosh Yep, it's got a SIM. But you can't hold it up to the side of your head :) [Original, responding to @Papa_Kosh.] ¶

Wednesday 11:37 · @Papa_Kosh Euro, I think [Original, responding to @Papa_Kosh.] ¶

Wednesday 14:07 · Vancouver's Don Alder wins Guitar Player's annual contest: www.vancouversun.com/Vancouver+musician+wins+Guitar+Player+magazine+award+video+attached/3563662/story.html Guy clearly has three or more brains. [Original.] ¶

Wednesday 22:50 · My Mac, having done a good imitation of a rapidly failing HD, seems to be back to its cheery self. #dodgedABullet [Original.] ¶

Wednesday 22:50 · Spent some time wrangling charts in Mac "Numbers" spreadsheet today. Not terrible. [Original.] ¶

Wednesday 23:12 · Married To the Sea: www.marriedtothesea.com/archives/2010/Sep [Original.] ¶

Wednesday 23:58 · Tonight's late-night vinyl: Lee "Scratch" Perry, Reggae Greats incl "Police & Thieves" also recorded by some brits I think [Original.] ¶

Thursday 10:50 · @jsnell Heh, I'm not [Original, responding to @jsnell.] ¶

Thursday 11:01 · @cwilso So, the getting-biking-fit process will compete with the Google-food-plumpification process [Original, responding to @cwilso.] ¶

Thursday 11:06 · Because of the #galaxytab, gonna have to upgrade my headphones. Some reviews: www.avguide.com/review/shure-se535-ear-headphone-playback-36?src=Playback www.avguide.com/review/sensaphonics-2max-custom-fit-ear-monitor-playback-36?src=Playback www.avguide.com/blog/first-listen-phiaton-ps-20-nc-noise-cancelling-ear-headphones?src=Playback [Original.] ¶

Thursday 11:30 · @sogrady Wait till you hear how the #galaxytab plays music; you'll understand. [Original, responding to @sogrady.] ¶

Friday 09:25 · Exzeus (www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLa11Ah_nFQ) on the #galaxytab is monster fun. [Original.] ¶

Friday 09:38 · It's suggested that the venture biz may not have entrepreneurs' best interests at heart. Startup community is shocked... shocked. [Original.] ¶

Friday 09:39 · So, who's going to do the definitive hallway-buzz feel-of-the-thing inside-baseball writeup on OOW and JavaOne? [Original.] ¶

Friday 12:47 · @vambenepe Typographic elegance. [Original, responding to @vambenepe.] ¶

Friday 21:42 · Mac "Pages" is a deeply stupid and evil program. [Original.] ¶

Friday 21:51 · @hfiguiere Tim: I want to move this table to the right. Pages: No. Tim: I want to shrink this column. Pages: No. etc. [Original, responding to @hfiguiere.] ¶

Saturday 12:22 · AC 003, YVR => NRT [Original.] ¶

Saturday 12:59 · Great move by DuckduckGo! RT @yegg: DuckDuckGo implements HTTPS Everywhere www.gabrielweinberg.com/blog/2010/09/duckduckgo-implements-https-everywhere.html (via @mattcutts) [Original.] ¶

Saturday 13:04 · Nifty... Android app to sync LinkedIn with your contacts: whacked.net/2010/09/25/connectin/ [Original.] ¶

Saturday 13:06 · Do you hate software patents? If so, you have until Monday to tell the USPTO: www.fsf.org/news/uspto-bilski-guidance Please RT! [Original.] ¶

Saturday 13:19 · @ndw It's not too late to go back. [Original, responding to @ndw.] ¶

Saturday 13:43 · My first paper-free airport traverse, via electronic boarding pass on my phone. One microtree saved. [Original.] ¶

Sunday 00:54 · On the new Kisei line Narita Skyliner... 36 minutes to Ueno, they say [Original.] ¶

Sunday 13:09 · 5AM in Tokyo [Original.] ¶

Sunday 18:27 · Everyone I hand the #galaxytab to quickly ends up playing Fruit Ninja [Original.] ¶

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
September 26, 2010
· Short-form (350 more)

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