Two of them in the last couple of days, both courtesy of having the Internet in my pocket.

SFO Win · I was traveling home Wednesday evening and at 7PM found myself in the United lounge at San Francisco airport, wanting to videoconference into an internal meeting, one I really didn’t want to miss. (At 7PM in this case because we needed some folks across the Pacific on board). The problem was that I needed to be not only online but on Google’s VPN; you can buy airport WiFi from T-Mobile but the price is exorbitant and the quality only so-so. ¶

T-Mobile’s 3G coverage, on the other hand, is very solid around SFO. So I found a place to plug in my Nexus One, created a local hot-spot, and got online with my Mac; check. Tried launching Google VPN; check. Fired up the videoconference plug-in, and there I was, looking at my co-workers’ faces. The video occasionally lagged a bit but the sound was perfectly decent. After an hour-long videoconference, though, I have to say that poor little phone was one toasty piece of plastic.

YQR Win · That’s the airport in Regina, Saskatchewan, where I was heading to hang with my Mom for a few days. Just before getting on the plane in Vancouver, I’d polished and published Dave Burke’s nice piece about Chrome to Phone and C2DM. Waiting on the sidewalk outside the airport while Mom shuttled the family and luggage back and forth to her place, I fired up my email and, oops, there were two different reports of typos. ¶

It occurred to me that the Android browser, based on WebKit, ought in theory to allow me to edit a post on, and hey, it turns out that it really works. It’s not the most user-friendly experience and I had to turn Swype right off, but those typos bit the dust under the harsh Prairie sun.


Comment feed for ongoing:Comments feed

From: Fabian Ritzmann (Aug 13 2010, at 01:04)

WLAN hotspot? Can't these phones do tethering over Bluetooth?


author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
August 12, 2010
· Technology (90 fragments)
· · Android (64 more)

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