This gentleman is Steve O’Grady of Redmonk.
Interview at Google I/O 2010. «Looking Forward to HTML5»
Steve and I have been to many, really very many, of the same conferences, during the course of my Sun career. He’s operating out of his normal server-side milieu. Me, I don’t worry about HTML5-vs-native apps at all, the Web will do just fine.
Comment feed for ongoing:
From: d.w. (May 20 2010, at 16:07)
I'm not worried, either. I spend my leisure Internet time on various mobile devices, and the split between native apps and web apps is very natural -- things that bang the hardware (games, music apps, photo editors, etc.) are better as native, and even a good chunk of the other apps I use (e.g. Twitter apps, news aggregators, weather apps) are often better viewed as being "purpose-built" web views, rather than walled gardens.
From: len (May 21 2010, at 12:16)
A friend made the astute observation that people posting videos in HTML5 are using the crophonium: a dome shape you stand under to give self-important speeches that are made irrelevant by the fact that few others can actually hear you.