Our pear tree died, a victim of old age, root pathology, and a high wind. Herewith consequences bureaucratic and photographic.
Vancouver Tree Rules · The tree doctor came by and pronounced the condition terminal (at this point, it was leaning against our porch, so not a surprise), quoted on its removal, and discovered that it was big enough to require a City of Vancouver license.
I dropped by City Hall (we live nearby) and found the process efficient and courteous. I was neither surprised nor displeased when informed that the tree would have to be replaced. I was fairly shocked at the 7-page double-sided city flyer enumerating the acceptable species of replacement trees. Furthermore, we wanted to replace the pear with another fruit tree and discovered that such trees occurred on “Schedule B” meaning two not one were required as replacement, notwithstanding the deceased vegetable’s fruity nature.
I grumped at the nice lady and she told me that this was the new, improved, just-passed bylaw. Well then.
Nursery Pix · Our gardening connection recommended sourcing new trees from It’s About Thyme in a distant corner of South Burnaby beside the much larger Leong’s Nursery which is quite good albeit without a Web site. Here’s a picture from Leong’s.
We did indeed enjoy shopping for and purchasing two trees; I’ll try to write about them and give the old pear something of a eulogy.
I found this in a neglected corner of the nursery.
Comment feed for ongoing:
From: George Phillips (May 04 2010, at 00:42)
Two fruit trees for every one lost worried me for a bit until I found out the laws set an upper bound on the number of trees required.
From: Mike Titus (LFNW) (May 24 2010, at 15:04)
I hope the pear tree won't become firewood (or landfill). Pear wood is *highly* sought after by woodworkers. Unless the trunk is completely twisted and diseased, the wood can be made into some really nice things.