· Teens
· · 2010
· · · March
· · · · 04 (2 entries)

Vertical Shadow Slices · Assignment for Dailyshoot 109 on 2010/03/04: “Striped patterns have a natural pattern that catches the eye. Find some stripes today and make a photo.” ...
Series 9 · I own too much stuff and have begun to hate my possessions. I love a few things still, notably not including any computer technology, some of which can be admired for a brief period before it is superseded, and I enjoy helping that process along. The things I love include a few pictures, some books, but mostly hand-made artifacts that produce music: chief among these would be my cello (although that relationship has become complex), my djembé, and my record player. I know it’s a “record player” because I bought it from the man at recordplayer.com; please follow that link before moving on ...
author · Dad
colophon · rights
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