Assignment for Dailyshoot 86 on 2010/02/09: “Franz Kafka said "Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old." Make a photo of something beautiful today.”
Opening of the First Duino Elegy by Rainer Maria Rilke, translated by Mark Doty. I saw little real-world beauty today, but this qualifies, and I did photograph it off the screen.
Comment feed for ongoing:
From: Will Emerson (Feb 10 2010, at 13:41)
I'm enjoying the Daily Shoot assignments. Looks like you are too. They're great kicks in the butt to take photos every day.
I was struck by the Rilke poem and looked online for that translation but didn't find it. Where did you get it? Was it online or in a book? The translations I found were tepid compared to this.
You can see my dailyshoots here: