I’m getting a lot of questions, and I think it’s important that readers know who pays the author of the words they’re reading. So: I have received an offer of employment from Oracle, with compensation that’s acceptable, and am waiting for information about the role that is contemplated and where I’d fit into the organization. I have until next week to accept or decline. I’m pleased that I got an offer, and assume that the picture will fill in soon; merging an 80K-headcount company with a 30K-headcount acquisition is complex, but Oracle has been around this track lots of times.
I’m sad about the Sun people who are on their way out (except for the ones who wanted out) and expect that this wave of pretty-senior and pretty-clueful people will have a noticeable impact on the industry. As for Oracle’s prospects in its new shape: Anyone who claims they know at this point is blowing smoke. I fearlessly predict drama.
Comment feed for ongoing:
From: BWJones (Feb 04 2010, at 14:21)
Good luck on your decision Tim. Its certainly nice to have options.
From: David Megginson (Feb 04 2010, at 14:26)
Good point - even if the new company will still be called "Oracle", the old Oracle will be gone just as much as the old Sun. I hope you all build something good together!
From: John Cowan (Feb 04 2010, at 14:49)
I "fearlessly predict" that this "wave of pretty-senior and pretty-clueful people" will *not* have much
"noticeable impact on the industry", because I expect it'll be a while, if ever, before they get jobs.
From: Mark Atwood (Feb 04 2010, at 15:05)
To John Cowan, you say you doubt there will be a "noticeable impact on the industry", because I expect it'll be a while, if ever, before they get jobs."
I disagree, and agree with Tim. Said senior clueful people who are also the kind who have an impact, are the type who *create* their own jobs, by doing things like starting their own businesses, and by doing amazing stuff even before there is a "job" with a "company" to do amazing stuff for.
From: Tony Fisk (Feb 05 2010, at 04:07)
From someone for whom it was a while before he got a job, I agree with Mark Atwood. Two things:
1. things are improving
2. what is the collective noun for clued-up people...? (a Googol?)
From: DGentry (Feb 05 2010, at 05:36)
I'm glad you have an option on the table already. I was at Sun for 8 years in the 1990s. I still sometimes miss it.
From: Mads (Feb 05 2010, at 10:43)
Great to see that you got the offer to continue.
I hope you give it a chance, because I think that oracle could certainly use your perspective on things.
As a customer, I want the old sun to be as successful as possible under the new ownership because I think that's the way most of the old Sun will survive.
As am "opensourcer", I hope you can help keep oracle aware of the community around them and not fall into old habits of closing up and bleeding customers dry.
From: Stefan Tilkov (Feb 05 2010, at 12:26)
There is obviously not the slighest reason why you should care, but I simply can't imagine you working for Oracle. The mere thought of you being tempted to defend an enterprisey party line makes me cringe.