The dogs are Prairie Dogs, which are interesting little rodents, and “bad” is about the Badlands. Two photos of Prairie Dogs in the Badlands near Drumheller, Alberta.
They’re sure cute. In places where tourists pull off the road to take pictures, they come out to cadge.
Comment feed for ongoing:
From: Xris (Jul 30 2009, at 08:07)
I can't help but think of the "Dramatic Chipmunk." Heh.
From: stephen o'grady (Jul 30 2009, at 11:47)
prairie dogs are also, curiously, among the reservoir species for the bubonic plague.
From: Tony Fisk (Jul 30 2009, at 16:00)
This reminds me of an amusing excerpt from a recent BBC documentary on the Snow Leopard. The intrepid film crew, having trudged into a remote area of the Hindu Kush to a sure-fire area for their topic, was instead faced with a couple of weeks filming... marmots!
Sitting in his hide, the observer, whispers quietly that 'In the last half hour, the marmot lying on the rock has moved, twice!'
and later... 'I hate marmots!'
From: John Dougan (Aug 01 2009, at 19:15)
Judging by the pictures, these are more likely to be Richardson's Ground Squirrels ( ) than Prairie Dogs (which are also a type of ground squirrel). I only care because I think they're also interesting, and their other relatives get all the credit.