· Naughties
· · 2009
· · · July
· · · · 03 (2 entries)

Junepix 3: Global Roses · Specifically, the World Rose Festival; a large not-very-well-lit room in the bowels of Vancouver’s très chic new Convention Centre full of flowers, arrangements, and paraphernalia. Alex Waterhouse-Hayward, who’s a serious rose geek, wrote about it in The Rose Expert ...
XML in Oxford · That’s the XML Summer School in September at St. Edmund. I can’t make it, in part because my wife is co-ordinating which means I do child-care. I’ve been to these and they’re totally great, intense and interactive and focused; then you get to go drinking around Oxford in the evening. If you’re within reach and work with XML and want to upgrade yourself, I totally recommend it.
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