Which is to say, Android 1.5. I updated my G1 dev phone today, and hey, it’s pretty cool. Tons of little changes all over and an on-screen keyboard. Plus, now I’m a really bad videographer!
Lots of other people will review Cupcake so I’m not going to dive that deep. The onscreen keyboard will be OK once I get used to it, but I can seriously motor along with the slide-out, and I’d hate to lose it.
I very much like the new thing where it makes a little teeny click every time you hit something responsive on the screen.
The Big Deal · There’s a basic Camcorder app. The camera on the G1 is pretty limited so you’re never going to get creamy high-def cinematographic art. But, it’s got one-click YouTube upload! ¶
Which means that this afternoon, when I had to walk eight blocks down and then back up Main Street, I couldn’t resist shooting, and then posting, Walking south on Main St. In Vancouver and Handflesh and streetscape. Not because they’re good; they’re complete crap. I did it because I could. I suddenly have a Neal-Stephenson-flavored vision of the of the future, in which everybody videopublishes all the time just for the hell of it. Which maybe will drive the Internet into the “gigalapse” that Bob Metcalfe predicted thirteen years ago; I was there in the room when he ate his words; literally, out of a bowl with a spoon.
My feelings about this are, well, ambivalent.
Comment feed for ongoing:
From: mat x (May 07 2009, at 06:53)
On an iPhone today to upload video to youtube requires Cycorder + PPVideoEnabler via cydia (Jailbreak package manager) and PixelPipe via Apple's App Store. Cycorder has always shot great video from a bad camera. And Pixel Pusher will upload to any site or blog or email your photos or video. Works well.
From: Roland Tanglao (May 07 2009, at 13:36)
welcome to the mundane video club :-) !
i am ambivalent too. Even so, i have been taking photos and posting them instantly on my Nokia phone via ShoZu for years to flickr and blip.tv!
e.g. http://www.flickr.com/photos/roland/tags/rolandtanglaovideo