Week ending Sunday 2009/01/11

Monday 1:02 · "If it doesn’t rain all night, we are in trouble": www.francesbula.com/?p=891 [Original.]

Monday 1:06 · OK, this is getting seriously out of control: blogs.sun.com/fishworks/entry/the_sexy_cub_of_fishworks [Original.]

Monday 1:08 · ... and it's still snowing like hell. NOT THAT ANYONE FUCKING CARES. www.youtube.com/user/TransLinkInfo [Original.]

Monday 10:17 · Alarm went off at the usual time. Took me till 10AM to get things dug out enough to get the working week started. Rain now please. [Original.]

Monday 10:45 · Yow... Al Jazeera has a live video feed out of Gaza: www.livestation.com/channels/3-al_jazeera_english [Original.]

Monday 11:14 · Wow, Jazeera is good. People they interview are partisan, but in between, level-headed well-placed journos behind the lines on both sides. [Original.]

Monday 20:14 · Well, that's one way to progress networking technology: www.ipv6experiment.com/ [Original.]

Monday 21:02 · @dewitt If you describe it clearly and open-source a validator, nobody will feel the lack of a schema. [Original, responding to @dewitt.]

Monday 21:25 · Gmail offline offline for me. Hmmm. [Original.]

Monday 21:41 · @dewitt I suggest well-written English prose. You just can't beat it. Especially when you have a validator to backstop. Seriously. [Original, responding to @dewitt.]

Monday 21:41 · Retweet @dervalah "My faith in children, Germans, and love is restored. www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/jan/05/german-children-elope-mika-annabel [Original.]

Monday 23:25 · @dewitt Yes, that's one of the luxuries using XML buys you. But I'm unconvinced that a schema-lang analogue for JSON would be worthwhile. [Original, responding to @dewitt.]

Monday 23:27 · Hah, my Android app now has error-handling and popups and other GUI sugar. Cost: nother couple hundred lines of Java. [Original.]

Monday 23:49 · Um, are there any geotagged feeds on Flickr? There are feeds but I see no locational info in them. Looking in the wrong place? [Original.]

Tuesday 0:30 · Wow, official IDF spokespeople appear on Al-Jazeera. Increasingly feeling that if you're not following AJ, you're not getting the Gaza story [Original.]

Tuesday 0:41 · Tentacle Grape: kotaku.com/5120568/ah-the-delicious-taste-of-tentacle-rape [Original.]

Tuesday 11:54 · @paco36 Consider an Android instead, as a bet on radically open architectures. Plus it's a pretty nice phone. [Original, responding to @paco36.]

Tuesday 11:56 · The bloody WWW is radically "service-oriented". SOA lives but SOAP/WSDL bloatware died 18 months ago. Now, mainstream analysts are noticing. [Original.]

Tuesday 11:59 · Smart remarks on Gaza: tpmcafe.talkingpointsmemo.com/2009/01/05/five_comments_on_the_gaza_crisis_and_what_to_do/index.php [Original.]

Tuesday 11:59 · Smart remarks on Gaza background: www.foreignpolicy.com/story/cms.php?story_id=4589 [Original.]

Tuesday 12:00 · More smart remarks on Gaza commentators: www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2009/jan/06/gaza-israelandthepalestinians [Original.]

Tuesday 12:00 · West Bank video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQyIKyd2gqA [Original.]

Tuesday 13:56 · Think you know "wet"? 5-10cm of rain on top of 70 cm of heaped-up snow, that's really really wet. [Original.]

Tuesday 14:43 · Miserable failure Abu Mazen pleading at the UN. He's irrelevant to Gaza. So is the Security Council, probably. Live on Livestation. [Original.]

Tuesday 21:40 · @dervalah London Fog is Earl Grey tea, milk, and vanilla syrup. It's actually damn good, albeit Starbucks' version has too much water. [Original, responding to @dervalah.]

Wednesday 0:46 · Thinking about Issek of the Jug. [Original.]

Wednesday 1:33 · Water Works: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2009/01/07/Water-Works [Original.]

Wednesday 14:23 · USB DAC in the office frapped out, big speakers silent. Picked up a "KingRex UD-01": www.kingrex.net/kingrex/UD-01.html We'll see. [Original.]

Wednesday 15:52 · W000t! I have wrestled Android to the mat and crushed its feeble but subtle resistance. Mind you, now I have to refactor everything. [Original.]

Wednesday 15:55 · @ndw I'm still on Aquamacs. Also, your Ape bug is first in line behind my Android refactor. [Original, responding to @ndw.]

Wednesday 21:06 · Via Bill Gibson, Atomic Arctic Russian lighthouses: englishrussia.com/?p=2198 [Original.]

Wednesday 21:09 · @dsifry I got FC Express; a bit less daunting, but still tricky. Still have problem producing usable output: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2008/05/05/Video-Pain [Original, responding to @dsifry.]

Wednesday 21:15 · Via @penmachine - all the DSLRs in the world, way cool: www.penmachine.com/2009/01/too-many-dslrs [Original.]

Wednesday 22:01 · Eeek! My Android app runs on the emulator but not the phone. Doubleplusungood. [Original.]

Thursday 0:18 · Emulator&phone consistent except when you have really stupid bugs it appears. Learned a lot. [Original.]

Thursday 0:21 · @pgib Nope. For me, HD video has become a write-only medium. I hope the software will eventually catch up. [Original, responding to @pgib.]

Thursday 1:38 · Latest Android Diary instalment: On Maps: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2009/01/08/On-Android-Maps [Original.]

Thursday 9:08 · @morrildl Heh... because I hadn't found it. But I still need to draw connectors. I'm not sure whether itemizedO would be a win for my app. [Original, responding to @morrildl.]

Thursday 12:32 · Web buzzword bingo, with arrows: royal.pingdom.com/2009/01/08/current-trends-for-web-terminology-and-buzzwords/ [Original.]

Thursday 14:05 · So... iPhone:ObjC, Android:Java, Palm:JavaScript. Fun for geeks to follow the action. I suspect the arena is open to other players too. [Original.]

Thursday 14:19 · @hoopsomuah It's java-1.5-ish lang compiled for the "Dalvik" VM of which I know nothing. Basically, you're in POJO land. For now. [Original, responding to @hoopsomuah.]

Thursday 17:17 · Pentax's white SLR, coolio: www.engadget.com/2009/01/08/hands-on-with-pentaxs-new-lineup-including-the-white-pentax-k2/ [Original.]

Thursday 17:43 · Donkeys boost Ethiopian literacy: news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/7777560.stm [Original.]

Thursday 19:44 · Yow, Skype on a ton of Javaphones & Android. [Original.]

Thursday 21:57 · JMMMDD: https://developerdays.dev.java.net/nonav/overview.html - wish I could go [Original.]

Friday 0:13 · Gaza linkfest: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2009/01/08/On-Gaza [Original.]

Friday 12:02 · Oops, don't type "sudo gem update" when your machine's already busy. [Original.]

Friday 19:04 · Sometimes, that "Seven Nation Army" riff gets stuck in your head and there's nothing you can do about it. [Original.]

Friday 22:17 · @codinghorror Rails/Django pay a pretty severe price for generality/convience. It's a good trade-off. But if you code to the bare metal... [Original, responding to @codinghorror.]

Friday 22:22 · @timoreilly I almost pulled the trigger once on a 7 Pillars of Wisdom Subscribers' Edition. Serious money, that. [Original, responding to @timoreilly.]

Saturday 13:41 · Crosbow, nifty stuff, wish I'd had it back in the day: opensolaris.org/os/project/crossbow/ [Original.]

Saturday 14:26 · What chance, I wonder, that the Watchmen movie will avoid complete lameness? [Original.]

Saturday 18:22 · Another who thinks Ayman Mohyeldin is the #1 hero of the Gaza war: www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1054282.html [Original.]

Saturday 21:43 · Bimonthly hour on Facebook done. It's my fault I think, not FB's; my mind just isn't shaped that way. The ads were all for part-time jobs... [Original.]

Saturday 22:07 · Bono is now a NYTimes columnest. First outing not bad: www.nytimes.com/glogin?URI=http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/11/opinion/11bono.html&OQ=_rQ3D1&OP=2995be90Q2FQ27uQ26FQ27_4PpR44hlQ27l!!3Q27!Q24Q27Q24Q24Q274k@N@4NQ27Q24Q24F4N4Q3AVhxD [Original.]

Saturday 22:47 · IDF says they think they've got 300 or so Hamas fighters. Total dead around 700. Thousands wounded. Rockets still being fired. What next? [Original.]

Sunday 9:41 · The truth bout multi-touch and the Android G1: lukehutch.wordpress.com/android-stuff/ [Original.]

Sunday 13:13 · Another way to lose faith: www.spectator.co.uk/the-magazine/features/3194231/studying-islam-has-made-me-an-atheist.thtml [Original.]

Sunday 13:38 · I suspect @secrettweet is partly staged. They're too sharp, too good, not boring/mundane enough to be real. [Original.]

Sunday 13:47 · @tenderlove Man, that's been a vexed question for years. You want to ask @laurendw (who isn't on at the moment). [Original, responding to @tenderlove.]

Sunday 20:39 · "The Credible Promise to be Recless" remarkable - brontecapital.blogspot.com/2009/01/lessons-from-shorting-jgbs-credible.html [Original.]

Sunday 20:48 · @gnat As a phone, the G1 is really very good. Plus it seems wrong at this point in history to invest in a centrally-controlled ecosystem. [Original, responding to @gnat.]

Sunday 20:54 · RT @airdrie : Wunder Boner. www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQAT2rKugIs&eurl=http://failblog.org/2009/01/02/commercial-fail/ [Original.]

author · Dad
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picture of the day
January 11, 2009
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