Week ending Sunday 2008/10/19

Monday 7:25 · First known instance of a winner announcing his own Nobel prize on his blog? krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/10/13/an-interesting-morning/ [Original.]

Monday 7:57 · Meat-grinder! www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2008/10/13/T5440 [Original.]

Monday 8:03 · Dear World: It's Thanksgiving here today. Sorry for not answering the phone. xthksbye, Canada [Original.]

Monday 10:07 · Why I'm voting Green: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2008/10/13/Voting-Green [Original.]

Monday 14:22 · Jersey (Java REST machinery) 1.0 shipped, blogs.sun.com/theaquarium/entry/jersey_1_0_just_shipped [Original.]

Monday 14:57 · Scarier than the financial meltdown. Way scarier. climateprogress.org/2008/10/13/for-peats-sake-a-point-of-no-return-as-alarming-as-the-tundra-feedback/ [Original.]

Monday 15:09 · OMG Openoffice.org whacked by OO3.0 traffic, gone to minimal plain-text page. That's some serious infrastructure maxing out, ladies & gents [Original.]

Monday 15:10 · Odd. OpenOffice homepage overloaded, but my download going at 400K+/sec. [Original.]

Monday 15:47 · Free Software Now: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2008/10/13/Open-Source-Now [Original.]

Tuesday 6:16 · Super interesting piece on long-term electronic doc archive formats: blogs.sun.com/webmink/entry/openoffice_org_and_archiving [Original.]

Tuesday 6:56 · @gstein I thought you were between jobs, what's this "getting assigned" stuff? Learn to do unemployed-bum better. [Original, responding to @gstein.]

Tuesday 7:31 · @distobj is voting with the pluraiity. [Original, responding to @distobj.]

Tuesday 9:33 · @monkchips Hudson's in production on a bunch of big dev products here at Sun. Seems to mostly get out of the way and Just Work. [Original, responding to @monkchips.]

Tuesday 9:40 · Election day! Canadian elections are better than the US variety because our politicos NEVER TALK ABOUT GOD. [Original.]

Tuesday 10:38 · @SaraD I'd be astounded if that worked. [Original, responding to @SaraD.]

Tuesday 10:51 · @SaraD I've met a couple. The idea seems deeply wrong to me. Do pass on any success stories you find. [Original, responding to @SaraD.]

Tuesday 11:03 · So... no more glamorously black Macs. <sob> [Original.]

Tuesday 11:17 · Wow, Obama campaign buying ad space in online games: www.talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/236924.php [Original.]

Tuesday 13:31 · The emperor has no clothes, and the new Mac notebooks are really fucking ugly in a sort of lame Eighties-retro way. [Original.]

Tuesday 15:29 · @gruber Perhaps when I see 'em in the silver-and-black reminiscent-of-a-Dell-desktop flesh I will have a zen moment of enlightenment. [Original, responding to @gruber.]

Tuesday 15:31 · @robc2 Yes. Wonder if Apple will have to back down a bit on margin if the economy seriously tanks for a while. [Original, responding to @robc2.]

Tuesday 16:10 · Seriously... people think this looks good? images.apple.com/macbookpro/images/overview-gallery2-20081014.jpg Feaugh. [Original.]

Tuesday 16:30 · Get In the Cloud: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2008/10/14/Cloudy-Times [Original.]

Tuesday 19:32 · Vancouver tweeps: Good leather shop? My coolio old winter jacket needs work. [Original.]

Tuesday 19:33 · Hmm, people bitching over CBC election coverage, seems OK to me. [Original.]

Tuesday 19:36 · So, Tory majority very unlikely. Thank goodness. [Original.]

Tuesday 20:23 · OMG NDP winning Vancouver Kingsway, what's astounding is Liberals coming 3rd. [Original.]

Tuesday 20:24 · @mezzoblue cbc.ca has a pretty good interactive map you can check your own riding [Original, responding to @mezzoblue.]

Tuesday 20:30 · Well... apparently Canadians are not terribly concerned about the environment. [Original.]

Tuesday 20:57 · Bloody Layton talking in sound-bites. [Original.]

Tuesday 21:26 · @rcousine Agreed... Vancouver South doesn't feel like Tory country to me. But what do I know, I thought Liberals had Kingsway in the bag. [Original, responding to @rcousine.]

Tuesday 21:33 · @buzzbishop I thought Ujjal was kinda post-ethnic. But the notion that the Libs get the immigrant vote seems pretty well over. [Original, responding to @buzz_bishop.]

Tuesday 21:35 · Record low turnout. Hard to get too angry at the electorate this time. [Original.]

Tuesday 21:53 · Wow... is that right? 19 more seats for the Tories on only +1.1% delta in popular vote? [Original.]

Tuesday 23:34 · London words and pix: localhost/ongoing/When/200x/2008/10/14/London [Original.]

Tuesday 23:36 · @jmettraux JRuby often found useful in that kind of subversive activity. [Original, responding to @jmettraux.]

Tuesday 23:39 · Sigh. London Words & pix: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2008/10/14/London [Original.]

Wednesday 9:47 · Lockin-free Cloud? www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2008/10/15/Zero-Cloud-Lockin [Original.]

Wednesday 9:54 · @lskrocki They had music in Seventies porn? The things you learn on Twitter. [Original, responding to @lskrocki.]

Wednesday 10:57 · Hilarious reportage on my FOWA speech: www.flickr.com/photos/kaichanvong/2932367536/sizes/l/in/set-72157607941178501/ [Original.]

Wednesday 10:59 · I'm so bored with stock market crashes. [Original.]

Wednesday 13:43 · @al3x How about AtomPub for Twitter API? [Original, responding to @al3x.]

Wednesday 14:36 · @al3x reasonably well, plus there's lots of good library code out there, plus apparently lotsa clients coming. [Original, responding to @al3x.]

Wednesday 15:53 · Retwt @drbrain "Rubinius' new vm can now run the core specs without crashing". Good stuff, the more Rubies the better. [Original.]

Wednesday 16:40 · Join the Conversation: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2008/10/15/Conversation [Original.]

Wednesday 16:53 · This is cool: mlb.com will carry the US presidential debate so you can watch the ballgame on TV. mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20081015&content_id=3623001&vkey=ps2008news&fext=.jsp&c_id=mlb [Original.]

Wednesday 17:06 · @lisarein Museum of Anthropology. Commercial Drive. Granville Island. [Original, responding to @lisarein.]

Wednesday 17:25 · New Panasonic LX-3 getting drooly reviews all over the net. Looks pretty slick. [Original.]

Wednesday 18:59 · I thought the baseball would be less painful to watch than the debates, but the Dodgers are painful to watch. [Original.]

Wednesday 20:59 · @pkedrosky Ah, "Dispatches". What totally wonderful writing. [Original, responding to @pkedrosky.]

Thursday 6:46 · Wondering how a guy in Canada can get his hands on an Android at a reasonable price. [Original.]

Thursday 8:29 · Dear Twitter, please don't make any links open in new windows under any circumstances ever. If I want that effect, I know how to get it. [Original.]

Thursday 9:20 · @gruber Well, I think he's pushing the boundaries of statistical sanity. We'll find out on election day. The level of effort is astounding. [Original, responding to @gruber.]

Thursday 11:11 · @mhp There has been some caselaw but it's narrow & ambiguous. The good guys will clearly win in the long run. Not sure what "Calgary" means [Original, responding to @mhp.]

Thursday 11:52 · No Venture Capital: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2008/10/16/Fear-Venture-Capitalists (This Tough Times series is fun). [Original.]

Thursday 20:29 · @tomlazar Cool. Original apparently not on the Web, thanks for capturing that. [Original, responding to @tomlazar.]

Thursday 20:46 · Good ball game [Original.]

Thursday 20:48 · Looking at 2010 Olympic ticket packages. I've always wanted to attend an Opening Ceremony, but $768/ticket, holy shit. [Original.]

Thursday 20:55 · @dlemen Oddly, I plan to do the same thing. Need an high-end reciprocating saw or is entry-level OK? [Original, responding to @dlemen.]

Thursday 21:00 · Did I say, good ball game? [Original.]

Friday 7:55 · Sticking my toe in the XML waters, first time in years: lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xml-editor/2008OctDec/ [Original.]

Friday 9:28 · @olabini Isn't running fib() enough? [Original, responding to @olabini.]

Friday 15:39 · Regulatory Opportunity: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2008/10/17/Regulatory-Technology [Original.]

Friday 20:40 · Outstanding campaign-trail story: www.fivethirtyeight.com/2008/10/on-road-western-pennsylvania.html [Original.]

Saturday 1:21 · @dsifry Melatonin. [Original, responding to @dsifry.]

Saturday 9:44 · The nastiest news out of Israel always seems to come from Hebron. Those particular settlers are swine. www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1029621.html [Original.]

Saturday 13:02 · @enkrates Mmm... granted. Let's just say "racist bullies". [Original, responding to @enkrates.]

Saturday 13:17 · Netbeans nightly with all the extras now up to 581M. Yow. [Original.]

Saturday 13:30 · @timoreilly Going to expand on that? [Original, responding to @timoreilly.]

Saturday 14:28 · @jimParkinson Hey, is there an SDK for that thing? [Original, responding to @jimParkinson.]

Saturday 14:29 · @jimParkinson D'oh, Symbian, wasn't looking [Original, responding to @jimParkinson.]

Saturday 14:33 · The best refactorings are the ones that lead to lots of unused variable/routine warnings. [Original.]

Sunday 12:26 · Damn good piece by @jobsworth, "Invented Here": confusedofcalcutta.com/2008/10/19/invented-here/ [Original.]

Sunday 14:29 · Tab Sweep — (Sun) Technology: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2008/10/19/Tab-Sweep-Tech [Original.]

Sunday 16:58 · @al3x Odd, I live in Aquamacs for hours every day, seems to Just Work. [Original, responding to @al3x.]

Sunday 17:07 · @gruber NeXT boxes were potentially excellent, but unacceptably slow and expensive for most people. Ahead of their time, probably. [Original, responding to @gruber.]

Sunday 20:11 · Container cranes: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2008/10/19/Cranes [Original.]

Sunday 20:34 · If I were a Tampa fan, I'd be mad at the ump about the strikes & balls. [Original.]

Sunday 20:56 · Watching US unionist Richard Trumka in very tough BBC interview; the guy who gave that widely-seen racism speech. Very impressive guy. [Original.]

Sunday 21:06 · Holy crap, C$ down to US$0.847. [Original.]

Sunday 22:23 · @shanselman Various unix-flavored shells have made interrupting, suspending, resuming, and so on easy since 1983 or so. Still, nice feature. [Original, responding to @shanselman.]

Sunday 23:07 · @pgib C$ correlates strongly with oil price. Well, that's my guess. [Original, responding to @pgib.]

Sunday 23:51 · Heh, the Liberal party web site is blank. Unsurprising. www.liberal.ca/ [Original.]

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October 19, 2008
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