Unthematically grouped!
Actual Tabs ·
Track the Canadian Election here.
Lauren’s take on that election.
Google is exposing their 2001 index. I did a vanity search of course, and turned up a forgotten thirteen-year-old chunk of my past: Tim Bray's Hyperlink Totems (1995). I believe Carl Malamud must be responsible for the fact that that link is live. Whatever Carl’s working on, I’m in favor of it.
Vermin, being a deep-ecological view, with belly laughs, of how we go about sharing our planet with other members of the Animal Kingdom.
PhotoStuff ·
RawWorkflow.com has a neato utility for extracting JPEGs from RAW shots, super-fast.
While on things photographic, here’s a deep pixel-peeping look at what happens when an otherwise-good camera maker contracts the megapixel-count disease: Ricoh GX200 vs. GX100 ISO test.
New: Pentax smc P-DA* 60-250mm F4 ED(IF) SDM. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
From Twitter ·
But that doesn't mean we should assume all white people are like that, just because so many of them are.Bill Maher: “But that doesn't mean we should assume all white people are like that, just because so many of them are.”
“Finding a place in Ulaanbaatar can be a challenge.” Mongolian Real Estate!
the sixtyone; has a tiny bit of pyramid smell about it... but on the other hand, turns up good new music.
Po’Girl; some really very good new music.
Comment feed for ongoing:
From: Bob Aman (Oct 06 2008, at 15:39)
The Pachelbel Rant is one of my favorite comedy sketches ever.
From: A. (Oct 06 2008, at 16:47)
The electionprediction folks are doing their thing again too. fivethirtyeight is similar (with <em>way</em> more charts) for the U.S. race.