Week ending Sunday 2008/09/07

Monday 19:43 · What @mezzoblue said. Elections, uniquely, are improved by a lack of foreplay. [Original.]

Tuesday 9:13 · Thank $DEITY for unprotected linksys networks. [Original.]

Tuesday 9:20 · Picture: How love waves work: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_wave [Original.]

Tuesday 11:16 · Chrome, windows-only, yawn, irrelevant. [Original.]

Tuesday 11:25 · Shorpy: the 100-year-old photo blog. Today's pic is amazing. www.shorpy.com/ [Original.]

Tuesday 11:55 · OK, I hope everybody is ready to explain what a "process" is to civilians. [Original.]

Tuesday 12:01 · What's the Chrome User-Agent string? Someone wanna hit tbray.org/ongoing & I'll look? [Original.]

Tuesday 13:00 · Chrome user-agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/525.13" [Original.]

Tuesday 15:21 · There's a phase in Rubyism where all your method args become (opts={}), but I think it's not a mature phase. [Original.]

Tuesday 17:13 · Initial impressions of the new CBC Radio 2: not bad. Too much talk. [Original.]

Tuesday 18:45 · Just my imagination, or does the RNC look bush-league and small in comparison with the DNC? [Original.]

Tuesday 18:53 · W! [Original.]

Tuesday 19:42 · Lieberman is at least mellifluous. [Original.]

Tuesday 19:45 · I'm 50-something, and this TV show is making me feel young. [Original.]

Tuesday 19:50 · I'm making my kid watch the big speeches, both sides, which is kinda tough on a 9-year-old Canadian. He's a fanatical partisan now. [Original.]

Tuesday 20:43 · @siracusa I dunno, there are only 3 matches on Google to "buying a secret gift" [Original, responding to @siracusa.]

Wednesday 1:16 · The Neal Stephenson book trailer is laughably lame. [Original.]

Wednesday 15:25 · Listening to www.cbc.ca/radio2/cod/concerts/20080216hmanx while I misuse RSpec. Sunny outside. Mmmmmmm. [Original.]

Wednesday 16:43 · putter.rb has *nothing* to do with golf, OK? [Original.]

Wednesday 17:27 · Settling down to watch some Repubs in the background while I RSpec away. Meg Whitman telling rich white people McC/P will lower their taxes [Original.]

Wednesday 19:21 · Giulani is slime, but he's at least cheerfully un-smarmy as an attack dog. [Original.]

Wednesday 20:04 · OK, she's a perfectly competent Republican. [Original.]

Thursday 8:43 · Wondering if the bear is real: www.shorpy.com/files/images/13290u.jpg [Original.]

Thursday 9:37 · Amusing table about Web tech progress: 1raindrop.typepad.com/1_raindrop/2008/09/adapting-to-shelf-life.html [Original.]

Thursday 10:00 · Web software thinkers need to think about roy.gbiv.com/untangled/2008/paper-tigers-and-hidden-dragons [Original.]

Thursday 19:15 · Green background! [Original.]

Thursday 19:25 · @evanphx I think they're drowning out the protestors [Original, responding to @evanphx.]

Thursday 20:02 · ... Become a community organizer! [Original.]

Thursday 21:45 · Crossings: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2008/09/04/Crossings [Original.]

Friday 10:25 · @pmuellr Thinking a default name for the property locator, e.g. "id" or "p_id", might hit a big sweet 80/20 point. [Original, responding to @pmuellr.]

Friday 11:53 · Pronounced: Keen-eye. kenai.com/ [Original.]

Friday 12:18 · @RandomDude Also see www.fivethirtyeight.com/ [Original, responding to @dooq.]

Friday 14:02 · @solarce Yep, Kenai is a Sun thing. You need invites to start a proj, but they're around. [Original, responding to @solarce.]

Friday 14:04 · @rjray Yeah, they're obviously gonna have to do git. Hg first because Java & other Sunnies use it. [Original, responding to @rjray.]

Friday 14:09 · Getting the feeling that holding off a while on picking up that shiny new iPhone might not be a bad idea. [Original.]

Friday 16:43 · @RussB I stage-managed a couple of Chuck's concerts back in the day. Some heat amid the mellow. Metheny, though, is sometimes brilliant. [Original, responding to @RussB.]

Friday 17:33 · @smaragdis You mean Phở? (wondering how far Twitter's Unicode goes) [Original, responding to @MMaryMary.]

Friday 22:38 · @RussB You might wanna buy/steal a Metheny tune with WIchita Falls in the name, and listen to it really REALLY loud. [Original, responding to @RussB.]

Saturday 0:30 · @duncan No football team there last time I checked. [Original, responding to @duncan.]

Saturday 12:57 · The Totoro Forest Project (yes, *that* Totoro): www.linesandcolors.com/2008/09/06/totoro-forest-project/ [Original.]

Saturday 21:25 · When you go to Canadian Tire at 9:15PM on a Saturday, you see People As They Really Are. [Original.]

Sunday 12:29 · Whole family vanished on one errand or another; no choice but to watch football I guess. & write RSpecs. [Original.]

Sunday 14:44 · Phaistos disk deciphered, *again*! www.diskoftheworld.com/ [Original.]

Sunday 15:13 · Fun with tech translation: blogs.sun.com/geertjan/entry/the_possibility_of_a_translation [Original.]

Sunday 15:24 · BTW, the CAR-SD game is very entertaining. [Original.]

Sunday 16:19 · OK, now that was one hell of a football game. [Original.]

Sunday 17:42 · @david_a_black Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh. [Original, responding to @david_a_black.]

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
September 07, 2008
· Short-form (350 more)

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