I’ve been too overloaded to write much or even post pix, but never (it seems) to take pictures, so they’ve been building up. I look at the buildup and discern a theme; herewith the first Summer Picture of the Day; more to come. And what could be more summery than lemonade?
This is at the Liberty Café on Main Street on Vancouver, and a fine place it is for lunch or refreshments, albeit not fast. One of their better offerings is home-made lemonade, which comes in a big plastic pitcher, visible behind the glass.
Some internationalization is called for. This is North American lemonade, which is just lemon juice, ice, sugar, and water; terribly refreshing on a warm day. The word can mean something completely different elsewhere in the world.
Confession: Not much Photointegrity here; this is oozing artificial sparkle and heat, courtesy of Lightroom. I can live with myself.
Comment feed for ongoing:
From: John Cowan (Jul 18 2008, at 09:50)
Some of us prefer it without sugar.
From: Alex Waterhouse-Hayward (Jul 18 2008, at 17:36)
Back in the days of very good Canadian magazines, 1975/89 I used to pick up Saturday Night and tried to figure out how some photographer had taken an unusual and usually excellent editorial photograph. One kind that haunted me featured some MP in front of Parliament Building. He (it was always a he) was perfectly colour corrected but the scene behind him was a cool/cold/scary blue. These photos were taken with tungsten film but a hot light was brought to expose our MP. The resulting image can be done now much more easily and the photointegrity would be no different.
I draw the line when skin pores are removed from models and their faces have that unearthly Photoshop diffuse glow. Any effect that someone can do well with Photoshop is I think perfectly acceptable. But then I draw the line on those perfect sunsets. I never did like sunset pictures.
Alex Waterhouse-Hayward