Two photos of not much in particular, but with explanations.
Explanation: Girls and Trucks.
This is another part of Main Street, which is partly explained in the first paragraph of Main Art.
I tried this last one in black and white, and it looked sort of stark and strong and lovely, but then I turned the colour back on and liked it better. I guess I’ll never be a Real Photographer.
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From: robert (Jun 13 2008, at 06:22)
The main thing that young-uns (into which group you may not fall) don't understand about "real" photography (the kind with silver negatives and paper), is that b/w and colour photography differ by more than just colour.
Ansel Adams was most famous for taking contrast control to its logical/physical limits in b/w. But garden variety b/w snapshots will exhibit far greater dynamic range than colour (slide stock being narrower than print stock).
Even on TV old b/w movies have noticeable depth that flat colour films can't match. Not to mention tape stuff. "The Third Man" is a great example.