· Naughties
· · 2008
· · · April
· · · · 27 (4 entries)

Gaza Truce · No, there isn’t one as I write this. But within the last few weeks, Hamas offered a ten-year truce covering the whole region and (separately it seems) a six-month truce covering just Gaza. The next story after that’s headline is “Girl killed in fresh Gaza clashes”, sigh. Seems to me it might be worth a try.
[Update: I got a couple of horrid racist comments, which I responded to, but then lost somehow. I’ll have to get in and clean up the comment status by hand; sorry.]
Ruby News · This really isn’t the place to come for Ruby news. But that’s OK, because I have the pointers to where you should go. Plus, one of the news stories is making me think “Smells like Erlang.” ...
Short-form Fragments · Week ending Sunday 2008/04/27 ...
Tulips! · This will not be of interest to those who are here for the technology; move right along. It will also not be of interest to serious photographers, who scoff at bright pretty pictures of bright pretty flowers ...
author · Dad
colophon · rights
Random image, linked to its containing fragment

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