Week ending Sunday 2008/04/20

Monday 0:22 · "Medical marijuana users more than $500,000 in arrears with Health Canada". I'm shocked, shocked: www.macleans.ca/article.jsp?content=n041371A [Original.] ¶

Monday 0:55 · K20D review: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2008/04/13/K20D [Original.] ¶

Monday 10:26 · @zakgreant is an *outstanding* speaker. He's currently keynoting @OpenWeb Vancouver. [Original.] ¶

Monday 16:39 · The PHP community has more women than you find in either Railsland or Javaville. [Original.] ¶

Monday 16:53 · @bytebot - just in the Bay Area for the Ruby thing Friday, unfortunately. [Original, responding to @bytebot.] ¶

Tuesday 14:33 · I've had so much input the wrinkles in my brain are flattening out. [Original.] ¶

Tuesday 15:27 · "Chances are, you use parts of the Internet that aren't Facebook." (blog.facebook.com/blog.php?post=13245367130) Words fail me. [Original.] ¶

Tuesday 15:28 · OH: "I'll be here for a few minutes...eating in a WiFi" [Original.] ¶

Wednesday 0:15 · My last OOXML snarl: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2008/04/15/OOXML [Original.] ¶

Wednesday 10:02 · I've been working here for 4 years and I still don't understand what JBI is or does. [Original.] ¶

Wednesday 10:06 · Flickr video pretty lame so far. [Original.] ¶

Wednesday 16:42 · Will this telecon end before I explode? [Original.] ¶

Wednesday 21:46 · @ftrain Wowie zowie thanks. I'd go hear Michelle if she were a Scientologist even. Well no, actually. But. [Original, responding to @ftrain.] ¶

Wednesday 22:55 · Podcasts are a problem... I can only listen to them in a car. [Original.] ¶

Thursday 9:46 · JVM+DynLang, this seems important: blogs.sun.com/jrose/entry/method_handles_in_a_nutshell [Original.] ¶

Thursday 20:28 · Realizing my prepared remarks for SDForum RubyConf tomorrow are nowhere near good enough for a 1-hour keynote. Dig dig dig. [Original.] ¶

Thursday 21:01 · Why can't San Jose be more interesting? [Original.] ¶

Thursday 22:00 · Hah... Camino, my everyday browser, has been refreshed: caminobrowser.org/ [Original.] ¶

Thursday 22:55 · Ah, slides for 9:15 tomorrow AM now Good Enough for Rock & Roll. Drink then crash. xthksbye. [Original.] ¶

Friday 8:01 · "I've looked at clouds from both sides now, and they're really freaking expensive. Google's capital expenditures..." NCarr, www.roughtype.com/archives/2008/04/the_heavymetal.php [Original.] ¶

Friday 8:06 · The room-service coffeepot is leaking air, making a sound unnervingly like a laptop hard drive. I keep thinking "but I'm not doing anything" [Original.] ¶

Friday 8:08 · OMG dilbert.com is full of heavyweight flashturbation and doesn't work in Camino. Bad, *bad* Scott Adams. [Original.] ¶

Friday 12:11 · SDForum Ruby conference: Small (a few over 100) but smart people with good questions. [Original.] ¶

Friday 22:17 · Bloody flaming hell, heavy snow in late April in Vancouver. [Original.] ¶

Friday 22:47 · THinking about Melbourne real estate. [Original.] ¶

Saturday 10:13 · Odd spam... an offer in Spanish for Linux training, from Peru. [Original.] ¶

Saturday 16:53 · Wondering at some level of irony and authenticity, Don Cherry is actually forgivable. Seems unlikely. [Original.] ¶

Sunday 11:00 · Looking at Twitter i18n... تيم براي [Original.] ¶

Sunday 11:05 · Hmmmrm, tbray.org is off the air. Server's up & looks healthy... why no httpd? [Original.] ¶

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
April 20, 2008
· Short-form (350 more)

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necessarily agrees with them.

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