I don’t drive around town that much, but when I do, I like to listen to the radio, and what I mostly like to listen to is rock & roll. Being a certified old fart, over the years I’d spent quite a bit of time with classic-rock station, but gimme a break, there’s only so much time in the world you wanna listen to Pink Floyd and AC/DC. So of late I’ve been finding the radio parked on CFOX (“The Fox rocks!”) and you know, it’s a not-half-bad rock station. I don’t recognize ¾ of the music they play, which is perfectly appropriate, but I like at least ⅓, which is not bad at all for anything that hasn’t passed through the filter of decades.

Then, in Maui on vacation, we drove around a lot (our rental turned out to be this vast purple Caddy, a very rock-&-roll car), and I found myself pretty solidly locked on to X92.5 (“Where Maui rocks!”) and while the flavor was different, the ratios were about the same.

Which is to say, after all these years: rock remains a living art form, at least near the Pacific.

And think to myself... what a wonderful world.


Comment feed for ongoing:Comments feed

From: walter (Apr 02 2008, at 14:31)

nothing like a big caddy, sunshine , and great music... and the freedom of the open road. that is why i plan to drive to SF rather fly.


From: Roy (Apr 08 2008, at 13:13)

Hi. I've just discovered your site and am enjoying the smart, snappy writing--even if some of it is over my head. :)

Off topic of rock & roll, but I was wondering about your title format. All titles seem to appear with the site name "ongoing" before them. I know that there are different opinions about and context for including the site name in titles, but I'm wondering if you could explain why you've made your choice and how much thought went into it.

Thanks in advance...


author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
March 28, 2008
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