· Naughties
· · 2008
· · · March
· · · · 01 (3 entries)

Frankfurt Weather · It’s bad. Bad enough that I missed my connection from Geneva to Vancouver, and since everybody else did too, I’m stuck till tomorrow. I’m in a hotel in a vast empty park in a suburb somewhere, and it’s chilly outside with a howling wind. This is not improving my mood.
Frankfurt Moods · So, I got into the hotel room and found that blogging grumpily at my travel and blogosphere problems didn’t cheer me up. Lauren and Simon each sent me the number of someone I know around here, but I was just too pissed at the world to pick up the phone. So I picked up the new camera instead and went walking ...
Spin! · I thought I was sufficiently jaded and cynical that not much in this business could surprise me. Even given that, I’m flabbergasted at the degree of spin, no, make that bald-faced lying, in coverage of the just-finished BRM. The contempt for truth is sickening, and some people ought to be ashamed of themselves. Check it out if you’ve got a strong stomach.
author · Dad
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