· Naughties
· · 2007
· · · October
· · · · 14 (3 entries)

Seeking Basement Disk · Dear LazyWeb: we’re looking for a great big honkin’ storage server to sit on the home network and be a backup pool for the motley crew of computers around the house: Mac, Solaris, Ubuntu, & Windows. Simon Phipps has a Buffalo TeraStation and is very happy with it. On the other hand, there’s a wiki which suggests it’s kind of loud, and it’s going to be hard for us to get it behind closed doors. Might the Net have a suggestion?
Counting Subscribers · Rob Scoble is reporting Google-Reader subscriber counts for popular sites. These are interesting numbers and (I suspect) a reasonably useful metric of relative popularity. But some of the evidence is puzzling ...
[1 comment]  
Writing Online · Check out Is The Net Good For Writers?, compiled by RU Sirius. Thoughtful, but I think it ignores part of the landscape. This via Nick Carr’s The word on the net, which has me seriously irritated; I look forward with venom to reviewing his book, which just arrived in the mail. [Warning: this fragment is appallingly self-centred.] ...
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