I have repeatedly groused in this space (and from the stage at one conference or another) about the horrible gender imbalance in our profession, but I’ve never actually, you know, done anything constructive. Tatiana Apandi over at O’Reilly has: check out Women in Technology.


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From: Allen (Sep 12 2007, at 18:33)

Relating to the gender bias in technology, a recent article at linux.com makes a excellent case that "It's time to retire the mom test" http://www.linux.com/feature/118863

I've pondered why the phrase "so easy your mom can do it" is often used, but not "so easy your dad can do it." My mom is much better at using the computer than my father.

And I noticed on digital photography forums that guys often say something like "I'm looking for an easy-to-use camera that my wife and six-year-old can use." Or "and it has an automatic mode, so my wife can use it too." The implication that the wife has inferior technical aptitude invariably goes unchallenged.

Try a search like this:




author · Dad
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September 07, 2007
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