These are some pretty darn nice poppies just down the street from our place; also an example of the power of wide-angle photography.
The vegetation isn’t as pretty, but it’s still worth looking at.
I’ve been shooting for a few weeks now with “classic” format prime lenses, first the mouldy old 50mm from the film era, and more recently the 40mm pancake. I’m making myself walk around with the new 21mm and suffering some pretty severe cognitive dissonance between the tight little pieces of of the scene where my eye sees pictures and the great bit wide swathes the lens wants to take. Well, anyhow, this would have been pretty well impossible without a wide-angle and it’s kind of cool that you’d never know that looking at the picture, but also it bother me that this big sprawling poppy patch looks like it’s huddled together for the photographer’s benefit.
Comment feed for ongoing:
From: Pierre Phaneuf (May 27 2007, at 01:40)
My "walking lens" for my Canon EOS 20D is a 28mm/f1.8 USM, which with the 20D's "crop factor" comes out to the equivalent of a 45mm lens, in 35mm format.
From: Ben Donley (May 27 2007, at 15:46)
Yeah, what body & crop are you working with, Tim? All this talk of mm isn't giving us the whole picture. 21mm struck me as barely wide, since I assumed you were on an APS size sensor.
And those new lenses should give you really close focusing. If you want that littler picture, throw your camera right up against the subject, no?