We worked from noon till six Monday, and from 8:30 till the middle of Tuesday; a little over twenty people in the room. I got the Ape talking to a few and failed with a couple of others, but in those cases the problems were implementation glitches, not the protocol. Surprises? I saw a couple of servers that didn’t accept Atom entries, just various kinds of media objects. OK, I guess. Pleasant surprises: getting pretty well complete interoperation with (on almost the first try) Nikunj Mehta’s code and (after a bit of work) Kevin Beyer’s and James Snell’s. I’m running a few shots of the event just because I like taking pictures of people. I’ll write another piece drawing some technical conclusions.
These are all the pictures I was happy with; I particularly regret not having
decent pictures of Nikunj Mehta and Lissa Dusseault (got one), and especially of having
missed her adorable three-month-old.
Lisa Dusseault and her three-month-old son; photo by Joe Gregorio
Mark Paschal
Mark Stahl, Joe Gregorio, Kyle Marvin
Joe Cheng, Jonathan Marsh
Charles Greer
Keith Fahlgren, James Snell
Kevin Beyer
Elias Torres
DeWitt Clinton (our gracious and efficient host)
Hiroshi Asakura
John Panzer
Comment feed for ongoing:
From: Mark (Apr 17 2007, at 06:55)
Sounds fun ... but what happened to Lightroom?! You need to adjust the levels on those flat indoor pictures, mapping the highlights higher. And when you photograph a group of people in shadow standing in front of a parking lot in bright sunlight, shouldn't you be metering off the people, not the parking lot?