The last of the beach pictures: weathered rocks at Cape Conran.

Weathered oceanfront rocks near Cape Conran
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Weathered oceanfront rocks near Cape Conran

If you take off from the right end of the beach (facing sea-ward) there’s a nice boardwalk put up by the local Aboriginal band with write-ups on the landscape and wildlife and people. There are a lot of shellfish here that people ate (still eat?), what I like about them is that they weather away into interesting flowerlike shapes. The water’s beautiful, the shells are beautiful, but I liked these rocks too.

I moronically left the camera set at ISO 800 for a whole day and thus got a bunch of fairly-grainy shots; but in this case I like the effect. The sky was indeed colourless.


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From: Joel (Feb 01 2007, at 10:49)

Glad to know I'm not the only person who forgets to reset the ISO.

& thanks for all the Aussie snaps.


author · Dad
colophon · rights

January 18, 2007
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