I don’t know why this tickles me so much, but it does: ongoing is getting a couple of thousand visits a week from people searching for “tea” or “cup of coffee” on Google Images. The piece entitled, well, Tea, is number one! And for “cup of coffee”, A Damn Fine Cup of Coffee is #5. Interestingly, neither of them show up anywhere near the top in the image-search functions of either Yahoo! or Microsoft’s Live Search. In fact, typing those words in and seeing what the three engines produce is kind of interesting (Live Search notably includes actress Téa Leone).
Comment feed for ongoing:
From: Scott Johnson (Nov 10 2006, at 22:00)
That cup of coffee sure does look tantalizing. But seriously, any thoughts as to why Google's image search likes this site so much? I suppose it could be related to that image tagging game they put out a while back in combination with the relatively high Pagerank of the site. Or it could be as simple as Google's preference for good, clean, semantic markup.
From: Asbjørn Ulsberg (Nov 13 2006, at 04:43)
In this case, I'd put my bet on the good, clean and semantic markup. Or to be honest, I'd always put my bet on good, clean and semantic markup. Just having an 'alt' attribute on the img element takes you a long way.