· Naughties
· · 2006
· · · November
· · · · 08 (3 entries)

Frankfurt Verticals · This week I saw quite a bit of Frankfurt and for some reason all the interesting pictures were of tall things ...
That License Thing · CNET says Jonathan says CDDL. Slashdot says CRN says GPL. Who ya gonna believe? (This is fun!)
Making Presos · When I do talks for Sun events and where the material needs to be re-usable, I always use the NeoOffice version of OpenOffice.org, because then I can give people ODF (or PPT, or PDF, or just about anything else you can imagine). When I’m doing an outward-facing presentation and either I really really care about trying to move the needle with the audience, or I have my back to the wall time-wise, I use Keynote. It’s been a few busy travel-packed weeks, and I had speeches to make at JAX.de and the International PHP Conference, both audiences important, I thought, so they got Keynote presentations. Anyhow, my real purpose here is just to say that the Keynote authoring interface is just totally excellent, amazingly good; and I speak as a pretty expert user of both PowerPoint and OpenOffice.org. For my money, maybe the best app Apple ships.
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