· Naughties
· · 2006
· · · September
· · · · 21 (3 entries)

Atom News · We’re up to Draft 10 of the Atom Publishing Protocol, and it’s very close to what the final product will look like. The APP is getting more early developer support and interop testing than any standards project I’ve ever been involved with, and that includes XML. DeWitt Clinton covers some of the bases, but Dave Johnson makes it nice and simple: “Atom protocol can do everything that MetaWeblog API can do, and much more.” On the subject of the Atom Feed Format, I don’t think much more needs to be said, but the U.S. Intelligence community (which is quite feed-heavy internally) commissioned a study: RSS and Atom Considerations; it seems very thorough to me. In reading it, Wikipedia’s article on Intelink may be a useful reference.
Trash Your Computer · I was talking with a woman today, a professional writer who works mostly in the health-care technology space. She said “These days, I want to stuff my Dell in the nearest trash compactor and do everything on my Blackberry. The computer, it’s real work to manage, and I can read whatever anyone sends me on the Blackberry, almost.” Is this the future?
Sometimes You Win · Way back in March, I helped out on a sales call on the Oregon State Government down in Salem. It’s taken forever for the deal to close, but our partners, Propylon, won the business, against determined competition, and from what I know of this domain I suspect that they weren’t the lowest-cost offering either. There’s some Sun business in there too. Propylon’s legislative drafting system builds on OpenOffice.org in a seriously cool way; it’s exactly the kind of thing we thought we were enabling when we were designing XML. I wish I got to do more sales calls.
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