· Naughties
· · 2006
· · · September
· · · · 19 (2 entries)

Licensing Modes · Mark Pilgrim’s Waiting for the revolution has been rattling around the back of my brain the last few days. Mark argues, and his argument seems awfully coherent to me, that the “NonCommercial” option on Creative Commons is inconsistent with being an Open-Source partisan. I wonder if I’m weird, because I discover that my attitudes towards code and non-code are different. The notion of restricting anyone from using code I contribute to feels entirely foreign, and if they want to use it to make some money, good on ’em. But I have strong negative feelings about other people making money from my words or pictures without involving me. (Not that I or anyone else have actually made any real direct money from ongoing fodder.) In the time that ongoing has been on the air, I’ve snarled a couple of republishers off the air, without even thinking about it. Call me a greedhead. And control freak. That’s on top of being delusional about the potential value of these electrons.
author · Dad
colophon · rights
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