Central Vancouver is about 50km north of the U.S. border. Down at the border, on the seaside, is the town of White Rock, which has a beach extending right to the edge of America, a traditional pier, and a whole lot of restaurants. I’ve been living here mostly for over twenty years and never visited it, so we did, and I took some pictures off the pier. There actually is a White Rock; I have no pictures of that, but I do have an international-boundary shot.
I’m not sure we’ll go back; Vancouver’s foodie values have made it down here, judging by our lunch, but the dense unassuming multi-ethnic general-purpose buzz hasn’t so much; it was actually pretty suburban.
Here’s the context:
This is way out on the pier, looking back south-east at the beach. The bright white object off to the right is the Peace Arch (Yow, the Wikipedia now covers everything), which most people in this part of the world occasionally get to spend an hour or so inching by when the border traffic gets slow.
The big white object looming over the whole scene is Mount Baker.
Anyhow, once we got out to the end of the pier I thought the most interesting view was down into the water. The first picture is just gratuitous weirdness, but in the second, can you spot the waterline? The pink thing is a starfish.
Oh yes, the white rock. It’s a generic boulder, maybe six or seven metres high, looks like a glacial left-over to me; anyhow, there were lots of informative plaques about First Nations traditions which I didn’t read; but the rock had a couple of logs leaned up against it so random passers-by could try to make it to the top. Not all who tried succeeded, but my seven-year-old boy did; he needed a firm hand on the butt to scramble up the logs but managed the tricky spider-crawl to the top of the rock on his own.