For some time, the Feed Validator has been muttering warnings about my Atom 1.0 feed, having to do with my aggressive use of xml:base and relative URIs. I fixed that up, and managed to convince Sam Ruby that one of the warnings (due to a redirect from to was bogus. So the validator’s happy. I also took a little extra trouble to prettify the feed, and now I think it’s probably useful as an example of a fairly full-featured and ultra-squeaky-clean Atom 1.0 feed; somewhat human-readable, even. Have a look at my feed and Sam’s side-by-side, his is very readable too, there are some points where the difference between Sam’s choices and mine are instructive. Anyone have a suggestion on how my feed might be improved, to serve even better as an example?

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
March 11, 2006
· Technology (90 fragments)
· · Atom (91 more)

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