· Naughties
· · 2006
· · · February
· · · · 09 (3 entries)

Fat Pipe, etc. · I gather that David Isen gave a rousing talk at the recent O’Reilly Emerging Telephony Conference, which involved chanting a little mantra about how network providers should behave: Fat Pipe, Always On, Get Out of the Way! David generously credits me with inventing the phrase, which is true, see Fast and Always On, an otherwise-forgotten fragment from March 2003. David’s performance art got noticed. I’m not entirely a fan of David’s poetry, but the Freedom to Connect event that he was promoting looks darn interesting.
Everybody’s Blogging · Dave Sifry’s starting another run through the State of the Blogosphere. His first instalment finds that the number of known blogs, now somewhere around 25 million, has been doubling every 5½ months. Which calls for a quickie Perl script... aha: At this rate, in August 2009, the number of known blogs will more or less equal the population of the world.
What Do “GNU” and “Linux” Mean? · These few days of working with the Nexenta GNU/Solaris distro have shaken my assumptions. Richard Stallman has repeatedly pointed out that Linux should be called “GNU/Linux”. I think he’s right, but it’s an unlovely and unwieldy mouthful; Like many people, I’m guilty of just saying “Linux”. Unfortunately, that word has come to mean different things to different people, and the landscape is shifting underneath us. I think we need to get our terminology straight. And what was it that GNU stood for, again? ...
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