· Naughties
· · 2005
· · · November
· · · · 23 (1 entry)

Drawing Drama · David Weinberger pointed out this (warning, very slightly not-work-safe) and I found it compelling, hypnotic; I have no idea what the site, fcmx.net, is about, but the the page called “Flash Cards II” in English, Виртуальные открытки II - Вся коллекция in Russian, has lots and lots more of these, and I’m not even sure David picked the best; they are elegant, erotic, witty, dramatic; well worth a visit. You probably want to turn the speed up to 8× or 16× for most of these or you’ll end up watching them all day. I suppose this has long been prefigured in the work of sidewalk caricaturists and the like, but still, I think it’s a new thing in the world.
author · Dad
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