Friday Slide Scan #12 is a picture of a sunset near Fort Vermilion, Alberta, which is way up north. It’s by my Dad, and while it’s pretty nice, it’s not his best, not even his best sunset; but it’s the oldest I’ve scanned so far, dating from 1953.
I’m pretty sure this was taken with Dad’s first camera, a Balda Baldini, which I inherited, and took some pictures with, when I was a kid. If you look, you can see a little bit of aging in the film stock; in fact, this shot has for some reason held up better than the next couple of dozen. I suppose some heroic PhotoShopping could hide the damage, but I think I’ll leave this the way it is.
My parents were married in this year; Dad had completed his undergrad and was working on an Alberta Department of Agriculture research station.
Images in the Friday Slide Scans are from 35mm slides taken between 1955 and 2003 by (in rough chronological order) Bill Bray, Jean Bray, Tim Bray, Cath Bray, and Lauren Wood; when I know exactly who took one, I’ll say; in this case, Bill Bray. Most but not all of the slides were on Kodachrome; they were digitized using a Nikon CoolScan 4000 ED scanner and cleaned up by a combination of the Nikon scanning software and PhotoShop Elements.