· Naughties
· · 2005
· · · September
· · · · 15 (2 entries)

Buggy Google Blog Feeds · So Google has blog search. Summary: It’s fast, it’s reasonably complete, it’s stripped-down in the typical Google style, the result ranking needs work, the time window is way too deep. They’re also providing feeds, which is good, but the feeds are horribly buggy [Quick response; One big bug’s already fixed!] ...
Robert · That would be Rob Bray, my brother, who’s been blogging for a while now. He’s broad-spectrum, there are pieces about singing in the car, NFL football, Social Capital and Love, and schoolgirl politics. Weirdly, my single favorite piece is about GAAP in the charity sector. Today he expands informatively on my religious-courts piece, a subject on which he knows immensely more than I. Good stuff.
author · Dad
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