· Naughties
· · 2005
· · · September
· · · · 12 (2 entries)

Galaxy · Sun announced a bunch of new computers today. I’m a computer geek and I love working for a computer company! I haven’t got my hands on any of these puppies yet, but if you plow through the reams of marketing verbiage, it looks to me like the three main claims are: (1) the highest-performance x64 servers, (2) the most space-efficient enterprise products, and (3) the most power-efficient enterprise products, (uh, I assume by “enterprise product” they mean “computer”, just guessing). All marketing cynicism aside, these numbers look pretty #$!%^! hot to me. Under my geek hat I’m personally more interested in the upcoming Niagara line; but still, these Galaxy things look like nifty boxes. [Update: Wes Felter of IBM says I (and Sun) am full of it, that our boxes are just clones. Well, I believe there are big differences in the specs on the number of ports, and of disks, and on the power supplies, but I’m the first to admit that I’m a hardware ignoramus. That’s why I pointed to that page full of benchmarks; benchmarks aren’t perfect, but these seem to suggest, like I said, that the Galaxies are stinking fast boxes. Also, to be fair, Wes linked to this neat InfoWorld piece.] [Update: Another data point from Alex Harden. I couldn’t figure out why you’d want four network jacks, but Alex does. I showed Alex’s piece to one of our x64 heavies and said “good, although we need to make it clear that we crush xeon mp.”]
Got XML News? · Interesting times in the world of XML. Now, Atlanta in November may not be Paris in the spring, but it’s going to be XML World Headquarters Nov. 14-18, and the deadline for late-breaking-news papers is this Friday the 16th, so if you’ve got a story to tell, now’s the time.
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