· Naughties
· · 2005
· · · September
· · · · 02 (3 entries)

Blog Imperialism · Hey, check out Technorati’s new blog finder. I went and did a little land-grabbing, and if you want to find blogs about Atom, Business, Java, OS X, Photography, Search, Sun, Syndication, Technology, Web, or XML, well there’s no escaping ongoing (it won’t last). Time will tell, of course, but this might turn out to be useful. Note that this works very well with Atom 1.0’s feed-level “category” element. [Disclosure: I may have a conflict of interest of interest as regards Technorati.]
Massachusetts Ripples · While I was pondering what to write about this OpenDocument story, it spilled all over the Internet and generated oceans of coverage (thanks to Bob Sutor for the link round-up). I wonder if Gov. Romney has heard from Steve or Bill yet? To my eye, perhaps the best last word is this leader from ZDNet UK.
SISSL Retired · What, you may have wondered, does a Chief Open Source Officer do? Well, among other things, retire licenses that are past their sell-by date. I’m no licensing guru, but everyone seems to agree that there are too many of ’em, so I’m glad to see that we’re on the problem.
author · Dad
colophon · rights
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