· Naughties
· · 2005
· · · June
· · · · 29 (3 entries)

agnès b. · Herewith photos of two San Francisco storefronts, one whose name I don’t know, the other whose name I liked enough to use for a title ...
Wrath of Heaven · May it visit shin splints, bunions, and Achilles’-tendon problems on conference organizers who don’t open the doors of keynote sessions until at or after the keynote time, leaving the thousands of people who want to attend standing lined up on the street, out in the cold damp San Francisco morning.
Wrath of Heaven · May it inflict flooding, scalding, and traumatic bathtub slippage on the hotel plumbers of the world, no two of whom can agree on which way you turn the Hot and Cold taps for “on” and “off”. Wait a second, let’s save some of that wrath for the residential plumbers as well.
author · Dad
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