· Naughties
· · 2005
· · · April
· · · · 06 (2 entries)

Listening to David Byrne · His online radio station, that is. Awfully interesting and, while not all exactly to my taste, never disposable. It’s surprisingly unsurprising; that is to say, it sounds like about what you think the music David Byrne likes would sound like.
Rob on Family Reunification · That would be my brother Robert Bray, who recently testified before a standing committee of the Canadian House of Commons. Canada has a parliamentary system, which means that when one party gets a majority they’re more or less an elected dictatorship; but at the moment we have a minority government, so Parliament in general and its committees in particular have considerable political oomph. Immigration is a hot issue across the rich world, and the issue of family reunification is a hot zone within the hot zone. If you care even slightly about these things, I think you’ll find Rob’s remarks worth the investment of a little time ...
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