Friday Slide Scan #7 is from Alert Bay on Vancouver Island, and dates from September of 1986; it shows a totem pole and an airplane.
Alert bay is on the East (inner) coast of Vancouver Island, and is a centre of Native culture. At the time, this was one of several totem poles up and down the West Coast that claimed to be the world’s tallest. Check out the town’s Web Site and its nice map.
This was taken on the way to a camping/hiking trip at Cape Scott, which is at the North-West corner of Vancouver Island; I suspect a few more pictures from that trip will show up here eventually.
Images in the Friday Slide Scans are from 35mm slides taken between 1955 and 2003 by (in rough chronological order) Bill Bray, Tim Bray, Cath Bray, and Lauren Wood; when I know exactly who took one, I’ll say. Most but not all of the slides were on Kodachrome; they were digitized using a Nikon CoolScan 4000 ED scanner and cleaned up by a combination of the Nikon scanning software and PhotoShop Elements.