· Naughties
· · 2005
· · · March
· · · · 08 (2 entries)

A Big Metal Zipper · The best piece yet on autolinking. The metaphors are definitely out of control, but in a good way.
It’s Not Dangerous · I have given several press interviews in recent days, all more or less along the same lines: someone’s been assigned to write a story about people being fired for blogging. Recent pieces from AP and CNET are pushing this spin, going on and on and on about the risks. Except for, it’s all a bunch of BS. For most people, blogging is a career-booster, both in your current job and when you’re looking for your next one. This fragment includes, among other things, Ten Reasons Why Blogging Is Good For Your Career ...
author · Dad
colophon · rights
Random image, linked to its containing fragment

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