· Naughties
· · 2005
· · · February
· · · · 23 (2 entries)

Sun EC: On XP and Agile · Today through noon Friday I’m at the internal Sun Engineering Conference. We opened with a couple of speeches on XP and Agile Software Development by Ron Jeffries and John Nolan. I think there were some people in the audience who weren’t quite convinced, but I learned a couple of things ...
Sun EC: Wednesday Highlights · What sticks to my mind: First, a fine story about how the Sun Ray happened, a high-drama combination of skunkworks brilliance, organizational cancer, and executive churn. My bet remains that a lot of people end up using a Sun Ray or something like it, down the road. Then, from an overheard conversation about how people ought to cool their data centres: “If you’re in Kansas City and you rented a former airframe factory, well, the hell with water-cooling.” OK, then. Passing note: you know that Grid thingie? It seems that the instances are internally called “the farms”. Can’t really talk about what’s growing there. Finally, a sober, scary poster presentation on what happens if a serious worm/virus gets loose in the domain of big Solaris and/or Linux boxes; both tough nuts to crack these days, but I’m old enough to remember the Morris Worm.
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