· Naughties
· · 2004
· · · October
· · · · 04 (3 entries)

Listen to the Lark · Andy Lark that is, Sun’s VP of Global Communications, who’s on-stage for earnings announcements and Microsoft truces and so on. A conventional marketing pro’s conventional marketing pro, you’d think, right? Well, maybe not; he’s got a homestead on the blogosphere where you can read Triangulation Of News, a clear-eyed take on the way the wind’s blowing. I wonder how many VPs of Global Communications out there get it like this? And what the world’s going to be like when they all do?
The Last Warm Weekend · The forecast says rain setting in tomorrow then a few days of mixed grey; which in Vancouver, this time of year, could stretch for weeks. So let’s share some sunny-weekend eye candy ...
Sunbeams, Mount Sabalan Edition · Let’s start with the high-tech stuff: Jeff Bonwick already got pointage from Jonathan this week, but this piece is totally a must-read anyhow. As you might have heard, there’s a lot of talk about open-sourcing Solaris. Easy to understand in principle, but Mike Kupfer offers an elegantly-written look at the details. Still in Solaris-land, read about the dreaded rm -rf / (even typing that into my editor makes me shudder). Enough of that geeky stuff; recently we’ve had a charming cameo from Jennifer Love Hewitt and magical ambigrams from Chandan—if you don’t know what an ambigram is, follow that link and you’ll be delighted. Also worth a visit is Paul Humphreys who on top of working at Sun has the best side-job in the world, and I’m not kidding. Then there’s Tim Caynes, scroll down and read his untitled September 23rd piece, I have no idea what he’s talking about but it’s still amusing. Mount Sabalan, you ask? It’s in Iran. Right away, you’re thinking geopolitics, culture wars, political turmoil. Nope, it’s a vacation spot, and Masood Mortazavi, one of our better writers, climbed it on his summer vacation.
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