I got an email from Phost, who works for Sun in Beijing; it turns out that my disk benchmark named Bonnie (not Russell Coker’s updated Bonnie++ but my original 1990 version — argh, that page is horribly unmaintained) has been part of the Solaris Hardware Compatibility Test Suite for years, and it needed some updates, and they’d made them, and they sent it to me and asked what I thought. So I popped it open in Emacs, what a weird feeling, all of a sudden it was 1989 and I was sitting in an office at the University of Waterloo. Anyhow, I suggested a little mod to the mods and sent it back. Given that I suspect the core semantics of Unix-style filesystems are not apt to change for, well, I can’t imagine how long, I realize Bonnie is certain to outlive me. Sobering.

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
August 20, 2004
· Technology (90 fragments)
· · Coding (98 more)

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