Some point each year (well after “midsummer” in late June) comes to feel like the heart of summer; it’s been there a long time, it’s going to be for a while yet, days are still long, the garden has left its spring sprint behind but is still running strong. This year’s midsummer-pictures assemblage features “Gooseneck Loosestrife,” and what a name that is.
It’s a vigorous thing too, in fact you have to wall it in or it’ll invade in all directions.
I guess I might as well stop apologizing for taking too many pictures of this apricot rose, it’s clearly got my number.
The two maple trees next door are at the peak of their considerable summer magnificence, they fill half the sky with friendly green. In a corner deep in the shadow of the maples, and of the cypress hedge under the maples, this trillium, its flower months gone, holds on gamely; there’s a lesson there for all of us.