· Naughties
· · 2004
· · · June
· · · · 18 (2 entries)

Nasturtiumleaves · There’s a hanging pot on the back porch with a thriving nasturtium. I had a close look ...
Sunbeams, Rare Goats Edition · First up, a couple of posts on SunRays, from Josh Simons and John Clingan. They are indeed pretty neat, although when, earlier this week, I was at SunLabs in Massachusets, it took the little grey guy a couple of minutes to find my Sun desktop which lives in Santa Clara and render it the first time; but then it was fine and snappy. Danese Cooper has a straightforward explanation of why CEOs probably aren’t going to be blogging any time soon. On another note entirely, Jim Waldo writes about the impedence mismatch between how engineers view the world and how the world views engineers. And just to get out of geek mode, Richard Elling has notes on the word “war” and nice pictures of rare goats that he rescued.
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